In Homer’s Iliad, written during the seventh-century BC, he alludes to the traditional gender roles of Greek society as the men and women prepare for the Trojan War. The respective roles of men and women as portrayed in the epic poems would have ingrained the values of the importance of the men being the traditional strong protectors of the family and the state, and the women being the caregivers and support system in running the household.
Homer’s Iliad, is a historical epic poem of the events of the Trojan War, which contains traditional aspects of Greek society at the time, which can be used to see what the gender dynamics between men and women were. Homer’s epic demonstrates how men, usually soldiers, are considered the protectors of the family. In Hector addressing his mother as “honoured mother” he is showing her a certain amount of respect for her opinions and her station, however, he is also asserting himself as a strong soldier who cannot be “unmanned” before battle or his role of protector will be void. Hector views himself as society views him, and if he loses his role of protector and others do not see him as strong he will be worth nothing in Greek society and will not be able to stand up against his enemies to honor Greece.
Homer also provides a glimpse into the the respective roles of women in Greek society at the time. Historically, women in Greek society were the caregivers and the support system of running the household, but were also considered weaker than men and relied on men to be the leaders over them. Andromaches pleads with her husband to not fight in the Trojan war because, other than her son, he is all she has. Greek women's husbands were everything to them, because the men controlled their lives and the way they were treated, women needed their husbands for protection.
Gender dynamics are a large component of the Iliad as the men are portrayed as the protectors of the family and the state and the women are portrayed as, while weaker, the caregivers and support system of the household.Questions of gender roles and what gender really is, have been sweeping the nation in the last few weeks.