New York SoulCycle Instructor: Jade Viggiano | The Odyssey Online
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New York SoulCycle Instructor: Jade Viggiano

She knows how to challenge and inspire her riders.

New York SoulCycle Instructor: Jade Viggiano

Just when you thought you had all the resistance you could handle, she’ll walk up to your bike and turn the wheel a couple more notches! You may hate her in that moment, but soon realize (as you struggle through) that the extra burn is totally worth it!

SoulCycle instructor, Jade Viggiano, inspires every day — challenging each rider to push past his or her limit. When you book a bike with Jade, you're guaranteed to have a class that’s full of high-energy beats, tons of tap-backs, and of course, a killer climb! In this interview, Jade tells us her reasons for joining SOUL in addition to her beauty essentials post sweat-sesh!

What inspired you to become a SoulCycle instructor?

"I was kind of in a weird place in my life. I had just come back from a few months of spending time in LA for a pilot season (auditioning for all the new TV shows being filmed over there) and I was coming home to go back to school and embrace 'normal life' again. I needed something more, and weirdly enough, like a sign from the universe, I was sitting on the train coming home from class one day and this girl I knew from the gym sat next to me and we got to talking.

She introduced me to SoulCycle basically telling me that it was all I stood for wrapped into one — fitness, music, spirituality and community. I took my first class and I was hooked!"

How many classes do you usually teach per day?

"Two classes per day and three on Wednesday!"

What’s your go-to breakfast to get energized for early morning rides?

"If I am teaching an early morning class, I like to keep it light with half a banana and a full water bottle, at least, a half hour before I teach to keep myself hydrated and not too full on the belly.

But, now that I don’t teach that many early morning classes, my go-to breakfast (two hours before class) is loaded with protein! Two scrambled egg whites with spinach, feta cheese, and grilled chicken. I usually add a side of turkey bacon and my favorite gluten free whole grain Ezekiel toast!"

Do you have a favorite dance move on the bike?

"Booty back Tap-back all the way!"

What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you during class?

"Oddly enough being a dancer, you would think I have grace and balance, but nope, not really…One time I tried to look cool in front of everyone and tried to leap on the bike and clip in. But, I missed the clip and fell down…yay!"

Do you have any post-class beauty essentials that you can't live without?

"My post-soul beauty essentials that I definitely cannot live without would be Tata Harlers purifying cleanser and moisturizer.... It is an all natural brand which leaves skin feeling light and so very clean! I also always have my favorite body spray, Tease by Victoria's Secret, so I don't smell, haha...always, a great hairbrush to tame my wild hair that I need to keep in check after a sweaty, sweaty class!"

Do you take other fitness classes outside of spinning?

"I love to try and get around to do a good boot camp class if I can. I go for hikes or even a nice run. A walk on the beach is also a good way to calm the mind and keep your blood flowing!"

What’s the most rewarding part of being a SoulCycle instructor?

"The most rewarding thing I would have to say about being a SoulCycle instructor would be two things: literally, physically seeing the sweat drip off peoples’ bodies and seeing that look of triumph and success in their eyes. The other thing would be the conversations I have with my riders. They become so comfortable with me and know me as a safe place to land and I am so grateful for that."

Any advice for those wanting to become an instructor?

"My advice, honestly, would be keep riding and enjoying it, loving it and taking as many instructors as you can because everyone is so different and unique. And as cliché as it sounds if you are planning on auditioning the best thing to do is be you!"

Where do you see yourself in five years?

"Wow, five years… You know, it's crazy because I have always been a dreamer, and I will never stop creating visions in my head. But, at the same time, I am such a 'live in the moment' chick — taking it step by step. But, I will say at 28, I would love to keep spreading my soul as a senior master instructor and fitness model. I also really want to open a dance studio for inner-city kids that can’t afford to take a few classes a week."

What songs are on your playlist for your next class?

"We got that good new Kanye from his new album that came out. I also threw in some Chainsmokers, and, of course, a good Mumford and Sons to end."

What's your life motto?

"Show me, don’t tell me. The motto speaks for itself…actions speak louder than words."

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