In an audio message uncovered from last month, Hamza bin Laden commands the jihadist groups in Syria to unite toe "liberate Palestine." Many have speculated Hamza is being trained to take leadership of al-Qaeda and continue his father's legacy of relentless terror.
Hamza is speculated to be in his early 20s, the age of many college students in America. At a point in life when people are encouraged to utilize their brains to make the world a better place by curing cancer, teaching children and helping those in need, it is almost impossible to imagine a society that would encourage manslaughter and instilling fear. However, this is the norm for terrorist organizations.
The making of a terrorist is a life-long process. Beginning at birth and throughout adolescence, the child is molded to believe that terrorism is not only justified but also warranted. This is more of a psychological molding than a physical one.
The frontal lobe of the human brain does not develop until young adulthood. This apparatus is responsible for decision making and judgement. Up until this time, parents and caretakers fill the young mind with what the family unit believes to be just and what actions are appropriate to maintain this so-called justice.
You may wonder how a child can come to believe that terrorism is morally correct. Erikson developed a theory regarding moral development that explains this phenomenon quite clearly. In the first stage of Trust vs Mistrust, the child learns that the caregiver is capable of keeping them alive and caring for their needs. This instills trust towards the caregiver and those around them. We can understand how it would be dangerous if these caregivers believed that terrorism was necessary.
A later stage is known as Industry vs Inferiority. This is when the child learns who the figures of authority are. This includes the parents, older siblings, and important figures valued by the family. In America, this may include teachers, coaches, the president, the pope and others. Now we understand how detrimental it was during Hamza's moral development having Osama bin Laden as both a father and societal authority figure.
Yet another stage of Erikson's theory has been dubbed Identity vs Role Confusion. This occurs in adolescence and is when the child compiles all of the aspects they have learned during their moral development. Then, they are able to create their own values and rules to live by based off of this. The child learns who they are, who they want to be and what they believe in. This is definitely a problem if your father belonged to one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world and has demanded your support for your entire life.
Another phenomenon that fuels terrorism is anger. Hamza was still in his late teens when US Navy SEALS raided his family's home and killed his father. At a time when a son is so dependent on his father, Hamza lost his. I'm not saying Osama bin Laden's death was not both necessary for global security and a victory for the struggle against terrorism. I am simply suggesting that losing his father to "enemy" soldiers may have fueled a wildfire of resentment within this young man. At a time in his life when many individuals decide their life purpose, it seems Hamza bin Laden has chosen to avenge his father and live up to his name as the "heir to al-Qaeda."
In all of this, one thing is certain. The terrorist mind is a dismally angry place. We all know that anger clouds judgement.
Hamza bin Laden is likely to become a household name.
Hamza bin Laden is very angry.
He is looking for revenge.