Being an introvert automatically means being misunderstood by those who are not introverts. It can be seriously frustrating for those who have no patience (I'm hinting to me, by the way). There is this myth that introverts are shy and hate people. I would like to know who made this up so that I can go tell them personally that they are very, very wrong. There's also another myth that all shy people are introverts. Like, every shy person in this world that contains billions and billions of people is an introvert. Yeah, that sounds completely and 100% right! Shy people come in all shapes and forms, as introverts, and as extroverts. How exciting!
Let me educate you guys on the term of "introvert." It simply means that an introverted person needs to recharge and gain energy with alone time. THAT'S LITERALLY IT, Y'ALL. It shocks me that so many people don't understand what it means to be an introvert. I could go to a party and talk to every person there with no problem. However, I would also be looking forward to some alone time afterwards to relax. Can't a girl watch some Netflix and pet her dogs without being labeled as antisocial? Geez Louise!
There are a lot of negative labels towards introverts: antisocial, judgmental, doesn't like people, etc. I mean, the list could go on for miles. I don't know about you guys, but I am literally none of those things, so you guys better shape up. Cause I need a man (a man who is educated on the woes of being an introvert). There are extroverts who are one or more of those labels mentioned above, it is not just us introverts. Come on guys, share the love of negative labeling!
I have had multiple people tell me that they thought I originally hated them when we first met. Say what? Why did they think this? They thought this only because I would choose to sit at a table alone to read a book than sit with them. In what world does that means I hate you? I don't hate anybody, I simply enjoy having alone time! I have no problem doing things alone, like going to the mall or going for a walk. This allows me to recharge my energy so when I do sit and talk to you, I can be my normal self. It's so simple, oh my!
Did you guys know that both Abraham Lincoln and Ghandi are introverts? So, being an introvert can't be that bad, right? I am an introvert and I am not ashamed! You shouldn't be either. While introverts are considered to be socially anxious, shy, and judgmental, we are actually independent, self-reflective, and creative. Now, that's more like it!