Cary, North Carolina is a unique town full of southern simplicity. The people are kind, the tea is sweet, and there will always be a Chick-fil-A within any five mile radius. Everyone has their different opinions about it, but it seems the teenagers who graduated from this North Carolina town all have the same thoughts about it. Below are some of the things that typical college kids from Cary think about regarding their home.
1. Sitting in your dorm, thinking about how grateful you are to get away.
It's not that Cary's an awful place; it's just that we're so excited to explore somewhere new, where we get to actually use a GPS to find places and not know how to get everywhere already.
2. When it's Taco Tuesday and you can't get Los Tres.
I know Taco Tuesday is a thing at most Mexican restaurants, but there is nothing that will ever top the cheap lunch specials at Los Tres, or their ACP. You can't help but want it most when you can't have it.
3. When the kids still at home start posting the first Goodberry's and Pelican's stories of the season.
Some people think it's just ordinary ice cream, or simple shaved ice. But no. It's better.
4. Looking at Snapchat stories and feeling like everyone comes home on the same weekends.
There is literally at least five other people home the same weekend you decide to, which is nice, because that means you can meet up with old friends.
5. Being filled in with the latest Cary gossip.
Sometimes it's nice to hear about some petty high school drama to help you forget about the amount of anxiety that comes with "being an adult."
6. Coming home and remembering how little there is to do outside of getting food.
Don't get me wrong - home is home, it will always feel good to be back. But once you get used to having so many different things to do with your day, it's not exactly exciting to grab lunch and then sit around and try to figure out what to do next.
7. When you forgot how terrible the drivers were, yet the second you get home you're instantly reminded.
I know that there are terrible drivers everywhere, but it really seems like they took the world's worst and dropped them in Cary.
8. Running into someone from high school the second you leave your house. Every. Time. You're. Home.
Hope you've got tons of small talk and a fantastic fake smile prepared, because you're going to need it.
9. Trying to pack for home and not knowing what clothes to bring because the weather is literally bipolar.
The day you get home will be absolutely frigid, raining, with a chance of snow, and then the following one will be a beautiful sunny and seventy-five, oh but then, the day you leave, it will be hotter than the Sahara yet hailing at the same time!?!?
10. Whenever someone asks you to describe Cary in one word.
It's...cute? Indescribable doesn't work because there is definitely a word out there that perfectly describes it, I'm sure of it, I just can't find it right now.
11. When the nostalgia hits, and you realize how great a place Cary is to call home.
It's certainly not the most exciting town in the world, but there's something special about it that reserves a place in our hearts for Cary.