An Inside look on the Wish App | The Odyssey Online
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An Inside look on the Wish App

Shopping made fun!

An Inside look on the Wish App

The Wish App is now one of the most downloaded Apps on the market. This savvy shopper app connects mobile users to the Wish website, where you can buy technology, clothing, make up, and shoes. If you can name it, you can sure find a cheap knock off on the Wish App. From a personal experience, I have not had any troubles with purchasing from this App. My most recent purchase includes 10 Colourpop Lip kits, all for 89 cents a piece with a dollar shipping. I mean, I couldn't help myself. Just like everything else that is too good to be true, there's always a catch. Here is guide to get the best deals from wish with out getting burned.

The biggest gripe about Wish is the extremely long shipping. Shipping ranges from 11 to 22 days depending on the item. I ordered my Colourpop on November 11th and it is expected to arrive December 9th. Luckily, shipping is really cheap. Your orders are being shipped straight from China and most items shipping cost is a dollar. That is also the reason for the extremely long shipping time. That's pretty impressive. You can keep track of your shipping and estimated arrival time from your cart. Make sure to check the shipping before purchasing, especially on larger items! Honestly, I forget about my items before they even arrive and it's like mini Christmas for yourself when you check the mail.

I know in the past ordering clothing and other items through cheap apps have been considered taboo. That is still the case when it comes to the Wish app. The best way to not get burned is to completely bypass the product photos and go straight to customer reviews. The reviews offer great insight on the product and is the safest way to go. Here customers upload actual photos of the products they receive and comment on the quality. You can also read the store rating to see how the overall company treats their orders. This is the best way to know how small a shirt runs or if it's even worth purchasing.

If you are not in a hurry to receive your items and do not mind some investigating work before purchasing this is the app for you. Wish claims to make shopping fun and for me it has. Of course I'm not going to re-do my whole wardrobe off this app but it's fun to see the cheap items they have to offer. Did I really need these cool cat coasters for my coffee table? No, but for a dollar, damn right I do.

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