27 million men, women, and children are enslaved. That's right, there are 27 million men, women and children just like you, just like me, just like us that are trapped. You might not know it, but it is happening in America as we speak. January is National Human Trafficking Awareness month and February 23rd is End It Day. This is something that sits heavy on my heart. It makes me so incredibly angry. I cannot understand how someone could ever think that selling another human being is okay. Hopefully through this, A light can be shined on the slavery that still happens today.
Out of the 27 million people enslaved, only 1-2% of those people will be rescued out of slavery. That number should not be as low as it is. Human trafficking is so much more than just the being a slave in a sweatshop. There are people, younger than I that are being sold into sex slavery, especially in third world countries. They are being forced into prostitution. The average age of someone who is a victim of human trafficking is just 12 years old. Once again, it blows my mind that someone thinks that what they are doing is okay.
When I was in eighth or ninth grade, I went to a Peace Promise event at a local college. It started off as a service project with my small group, but it ended up being the start of something that I became very passionate about. Peace Promise is an organization that is in place to help those being trafficked out of it. At this Peace Promise event, the speaker said something that stuck with me.She said something along the lines of how the traffickers didn't wake up one day and decide to do what they do. Something caused them to go to the lifestyle they currently are living. While I don't understand what would cause anyone to enter this lifestyle, I do think it's important to understand that they did not start off like this.
I want to leave you all with some sources so that you can learn more. I also want to explain End It Day a little more. End It Day is on February 23rd this year. It is apart of the End It Movement. If you feel so inclined, on February 23rd, you would draw a red x on your hand in order to shine a light on slavery. It's a great conversation starter. I've done it for the past four years and there's something about it that makes me feel like I'm doing something even if it's not a lot. Another website that I use for a lot of information is called A21, There are a few stories of survivors as well as a lot of information. I would recommend going through their sight. I know it's a little sad, but I hope y'all gained some knowledge. So all the links will be at the end. I hope you guys realize that no one should allowed to put a price on you or anyone else.
Peace Promise- http://www.peacepromise.org/
A21- http://www.a21.org/
End it Movement- https://enditmovement.com/index.html