We all have them, all of us even those who pretend they don't. Insecurities are such odd things. We all know that no one is perfect yet that most of us pick ourselves apart and pretend like it is possible to become the perfect person.
I feel like these days social media becomes more prevalent in our lives every day somehow. Therefore many people, like myself, find ourselves scrolling through these platforms everytime we have a free minute. With these scrollings, we are mindlessly comparing ourselves to all of these other people. These people who are only flaunting their best selves. I think that is what we are so quick to forget. That everyone has bad days and that not everyone's lives are truly perfect.
Yet social media isn't the only cause for the insecurities. I am a single college girl who still has braces, so I constantly feel as though people look at me differently than everyone else. Yet most of the time people don't care enough to even pay attention to whats on my teeth. Yet it is still something I struggle with.
I think the reason why our insecurities bring us down so much is that we all strive for the confidence we see the people who appear "perfect" wearing as they go through life. We can't feel that confident though because we are trapped in the ideology we aren't good enough because we don't have clear enough skin, a skinny enough body, not smart enough, or don't own the right clothes. We neglect to remember that those people probably have the same insecurities. What truly makes those people stand out and different is that despite their own doubts about themselves they chose to stand tall and be proud of who they are.
Over the years, as I battle with my own insecurities I try and focus on the things I do have to offer rather than things I don't. Every single person brings something unique to the table. I strive every day to remember my strengths rather than letting myself get weighed down but things that don't matter. Plus I often think about the people who I want around me, would I want someone who is obsessed with their self or people who know they aren't perfect but still showcase the positive side of themselves.
Overall, the little things don't matter. People who truly want to get to know you and care about you want the whole you and your true personality traits not just your outward appearence. So be confident in yourself depsite your flaws, those just make you human.