Dear You,
So you found out that you were being cheated on. Maybe it was after you and your significant other had already broken up that you figured it out or maybe you were still 'happy' together. Trust me, it hurts, it happens, and I have been there. You thought the person you were with would be your forever, you looked to them in time of need and may have even started a life of your own with them.
You will get through it. I promise you that.
There will be hard times. You will lie awake wondering what you did to deserve this, you will feel sick to your stomach, you will regret every time you shared your body with that person. You will hate that person and all they stand for, you will hate the fact that you have made so many memories with this person and that they know so much about you.
Being insecure, you will look in the mirror and wonder what made them do what they did. You will critique all of your looks, everything you once loved about yourself will be replaced with hate and disgust. You will have trouble eating, sleeping, and thinking. The whole situation with lack of control and closure will get to you.
It will be lots of raw emotions. Confusion, sadness, anger, depression, hatred.
But, it will eventually be just another mountain you will climb over.
The first thing you need to do is put your thoughts on a pause. Thinking will do you no good. The situation happened, you have no control. Clearly, the person who did this was toxic, which you do not need in your life. Stop thinking about what happened, what could have been, and what the full story is. You need to move on and live life your own way.
Next, you need to let it go. Stop hating the person, just block them out. They do not deserve to cloud your positive headspace with horrible, negative thoughts. You are able to be happy, you are able to be free, you are able to be you. Forget, but don't forgive. Act like you don't even know who that person is when they are mentioned. You are a new and improved you with a few extra battle scars.
Do not feed into the inner demons. They will creep in your head late at night and remind you of everything that went on. Ignore them. Drown them out with angels. Overpower them with your peace, happiness, and love. Go to parties, clubs, bars, and lounges. Hang out with friends, focus on work and school, pick up new hobbies. Push those negatives away until they are completely away from your brain.
Lastly, you need to never forget to love and care for yourself. Do not let another person define you or your happiness. Do not let them control how you eat, what you feel, or how you view yourself. It is unacceptable. You are beautiful, smart, talented, and a unique addition to this crazy world we live on. There is only ONE you. Do not let someone tear that down.
No matter what it takes, do what is best for you. You will make it through the rough patch and come out unstoppable.
Someone who has been in your shoes.