I, like many others, have gotten sick of all the political posts. I can't take it anymore. So many people are talking crap about other people, and all we hear about is politics. I get it, it's news, but there's other news as well. If you've been drowning in multi-paragraph, Read more...posts and memes claiming that it's the end of the world as we know it, here's some news that you may have missed.
1. Kit Kat came to the rescue.
When a lowly student's Kit Kat bar was stolen from his car, Kit Kat sent him 6,500 to make up for it.2. Black Chyna had her baby, welcoming the newest Kardashian: Dream.
3. She also managed to complete the newfound fad that is the Mannequin Challenge.
Contribute to the newest social activity: check
Give birth to a tiny human being: check.