Inkster Bengals Football Practice by Rosie Wholihan
It’s a vicious cycle, really. Property taxes fund schools, schools educate the children from the neighborhoods that fund them, and when schools can’t get enough funding because the neighborhoods have fallen on hard times, the local children don’t get the education and opportunities that they so very much deserve. The children of Inkster, Michigan know this story all too well. As the housing market in Michigan was starting its slow climb back to a normal state, the city of Inkster was still suffering from the poverty and lack of investments that it had been dealing with long before the recession began.
In 2013 the State of Michigan approved Public Acts 96 and 97 to close Inkster Public Schools because of their incredibly high deficit (around $15 million). Inkster kids are now bussed to 4 different school districts (Romulus, Taylor, Westwood, and Wayne/Westland). Because there are no “activity busses” that run late for Inkster kids to take home, they don’t have the ability to join after school programs unless they can provide transportation, which is often impossible. The City of Inkster doesn’t have much to offer the kids either, since the deficit was due in part to city government issues and the city offices closing down for a time also.
So where do the children of Inkster spend their time? What outlets do they have to put their energy into? If my neighborhood is any indication, there aren’t many options of positive outlets to be had. That’s not to say that the children of Inkster are doing bad things, but that they are being forced to be idle or come up with alternatives themselves. In the 3 years since the Inkster Public Schools have shut down, the City of Inkster itself has not bounced back enough to be able to offer the needed amount of “leisure time” activities that will help Inkster children learn important skills to help them succeed in life. For the future of Inkster and the surrounding areas, something needs to change.
Inkster Bengals Practice by Rosie Wholihan
The Inkster Bengals Nation is trying to be that change. The Bengals Nation is a group of football and cheer teams for all ages of Inkster kids, and is a non-profit organization. It is one of few positive outlets for children in the City of Inkster. The Bengals teach the kids involved team working strategies, provide organized competition in a safe environment, and develop discipline and perseverance for all those involved. The Bengals are also good at what they do – winning 4 statewide championships in the last 5 years!
Sadly, there are still issues that The Inkster Bengals Nation is trying to overcome. Because of the high poverty rate, many can’t afford the cost of the needed safety equipment and uniforms. The park that is used as the practice space is in very ill repair, and needs new plumbing in the currently non-working bathrooms, new lights for the field, safety and general clean up (among many other things). The teams also need to raise money for transportation to away games, and transportation to tournaments out of state.
Westwood Park Repair Photos by Rosie Wholihan
Westwood Park Repair Photos by Rosie Wholihan
Inkster Bengals' adults that are involved in making this organization run do not get a cut of any funds raised. Coaches and other members often end up paying out of pocket for many services and needs for the kids, to the tune of a few thousand every year. These kids in Inkster end up being the victims of a system that they are forced to participate in – a non-existent school system due to debt, the inability to get involved in other programs in school that might earn them scholarships to move on to universities, and then lack of financial resources stopping them from participating in some of the only positive activities available to them that can help them build the knowledge and experiences that they need to excel later in life. It is so very important that these kids in the community have a positive outlet and learning opportunities.
Someone has the break this cycle. If you are interested in sponsoring a child for equipment or generally helping the Inkster Bengals Nation, there is an online fundraising page at where you can directly donate.
You can also check out the Bengals’ practice space or come out to games to support them. Pictures, dates, and all other info can be found at:
The Inkster Bengals will also be hosting an online raffle that will culminate at one of the last home games of the season (date in October TBA), and they are still looking for prizes to raffle off. If you are interested in donating for the raffle, or purchasing raffle tickets (you don’t have to be present to win), please email for more information. All prizes will be announced soon, but current prizes include sketching and art products, a gift certificate for Cheryl Tash at Eternal Tattoos, comic books, locally hand made Star Wars jewelry, and a gift certificate for a local hotel night.