Otzi, the Iceman, who lived between 3300-3200 B.C., has the oldest and best preserved tattoos in existence. He has 61 tattoos on places where it was likely he experienced pain, such has his calf, ankle and spinal column. Otzi’s tattoos are not like the traditional pieces of artwork we see on today’s people; his tattoos are short, straight lines, which, after careful examination, correspond to ancient acupuncture lines. Otzi’s markings may have not been intended to become an artistic style, but this trend has skyrocketed into the fashion scene, and has gained tremendous popularity especially within the last 30 years.
People get tattoos for many different reasons: some people get them in regards to family members, pets, religious expression, to identify themselves, or simply just because they liked the art. I have three tattoos, two of which are visible with a t-shirt on. I have been told at an interview that I must cover one of my tattoos while working at all times, and I was shocked it wasn’t the religious one I was asked to cover.
I don’t have an issue if people do not like my tattoos because I did not get them for anyone beside myself. That being said, I do however have an issue with jobs and careers that turn down a perfectly qualified candidate or make their employees cover their tattoos when they are not discriminative or inappropriate. 45 million Americans have at least one tattoo, if that tattoo is visible, over half of corporate companies will ask that your tattoo be covered and a reported 4 percent of companies simply will not hire you. At a police station in St. Louis, police officers are sent home if they have a tattoo showing.
The workplace has made tremendous progress in creating laws against discrimination of an applicant due to skin color, sexuality, gender, and disabilities. Companies can no longer not hire someone because they are not white or straight, but companies still have the right to not hire someone with a tattoo. This is a confusing concept. I understand that the workplace is supposed to be a professional place, and that customers or guests want to feel that they are being helped by professionals. However, tattoos are in no way an indicator of the skills or knowledge an individual has.
Tattoos are pieces of artwork and of personality. They help individuals express themselves, which is huge for self-esteem. A 2010 study showed that women with tattoos became more confident than they were without. And in today’s society, we should not deprive anyone of his or her self-confidence.
Tattoos are frowned upon in the workplace, simply because employers think they are reflect poorly on character. But the world is changing. Schools have been integrated, women are allowed to wear pants, same sex marriage is legal, and we have the first African-American president. Times are changing around us, and society needs to incorporate those changes. Ink is art.