College is stressful. With weekly exams, loads of homework, and various social obligations, it can be overwhelming at times. It's difficult to take time away from the demands of life to let yourself relax. Here are some of the best ways to eliminate the stress from your life.
- Exercise. This is one of the best ways to release negative energy. It’s good for you, too!
- Go outside. Being cooped up in a classroom all day, every day can get you down. There’s nothing better than a little fresh air.
- Prioritize. Sometimes, the thought of doing something is worse than simply getting it done. Instead of taking up time while stressing about the number of things you have on your to-do list, just start one.
- Spend time with good friends. Nothing takes the stress away like your best friends can. Don’t be afraid to have some fun now and then.
- Eat healthy. Junk food can be tempting, especially in the most stressful of times. However, you will feel a lot better after eating a healthy meal rather than an entire bag of Hershey’s Kisses (trust me).
- Make a list. Visually seeing everything that you need to accomplish is a good way to organize your thoughts.
- Get enough sleep. Even if it’s midnight and there’s still a million things to do, don’t be hesitant to call it a day. The best thing you can do is recharge your body so you have enough energy for the next day.
- Talk about it. Telling another person about the things that are causing you stress can make you feel better.
- Keep your room/house clean. It’s amazing how much better you feel when you have tidy surroundings.
- Do something you enjoy. Read a good book. Watch your favorite TV show on Netflix. Listen to your favorite music. Do something to distract your mind for a while.
- Turn off your cell phone. This can be a blessing in disguise. Your cell phone is your best friend, but your enemy too, and turning it off for a while can let you get done what you need to get done without distractions.
- Smile. Life's too short to constantly focus on the negatives. Have a positive mind and you will be able to accomplish anything.