Indie Rock Heroes? You'll Think So After Hearing This Album | The Odyssey Online
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Indie Rock Heroes? You'll Think So After Hearing This Album

Teens of Denial (2016) -- Car Seat Headrest (Review)

Indie Rock Heroes? You'll Think So After Hearing This Album

Hyped-up, but not too much. And I see why, too. Another indie rock band out with no truly original sound, and no new declarations to make. That of course is not a negative, as bands that lack pretensions are surprisingly lacking. Early 20s, but they’re already seasoned rockers. They have around a dozen self-released albums on Bandcamp, none of which deserve any true attention, at least not like this album. Their Matador-label debut, Teens of Style, was released last year. It was fine, if not as memorable as Teens of Denial, but here is where they hone their songwriting and tune-craft, with the help of a new producer.

Almost instantly, this band is immediately likeable. They’re young, punk and make some killer riffs and melodic choruses. As far as the music is concerned, that’s pretty much it, but sometimes that’s all it takes. Frontman Will Toledo is a likable character as well, but a little too depressed. A miserable Julian Casablancas is an appropriate comparison. Then again, aren’t all indie rockers to some extent? He’s a washed up 20-something year-old, but it’s not like he’s on the ledge. Humor counterbalances his depression, so it’s never some sad-sack pity party. In fact, the humor subsumes the depression. Instead of being a downer, Toledo laughs not to cry. Is his introversion relatable? Always. Unlike his drug-obsessed, straight-out-of-college peers, he’s not into drug culture nor is he obsessed with alcohol. At a party, he’s the wallflower-type and just counts the seconds until he gets to go home. When he’s obligated by his friends to try psychedelics, rather than transcending, he “felt like a walking piece of shit.” When he has a hangover, he doesn’t want another drink until he feels better. “Hangovers feel good when I know it’s the last one. Then I feel so good that I have another one.” I honestly don’t know if there’s a better line in the history of rock n’ roll that perfectly describes the cycle of drinking like that one. Throughout the album, you’ll often find yourself thinking, “That’s totally me!” In addition to being a great lyricist, Toledo’s words of millennial wisdom are always quotable.

Does this record have its detractors? Yes, but it’s neither the lyrics nor the musicianship. Simply put, some of these songs are just too damn long. The six-minute songs could’ve been cut a minute short, but I don’t have a problem with those as much as the eight and 11 minute ones. Sure, they tell great stories, but they aren’t the epics they try to be. As for other flaws, if there are any, I couldn’t pick them out of a line-up. On this record, the four-minute cuts reign supreme, which is why the straightforward opener, “Fill in the Blank,” is without a doubt the easiest to listen to and probably the best song on here. “1937 Skate Park” also comes close, if only for its ridiculously catchy refrain. But you’ll find that the six-minute ones tell the best stories.

Indie-rock heroes? Not yet, but I want them to be. However, seeing as they came out with this album only a year after their last one, there may just be another record on the horizon soon. Not only that, but it’s possible they may re-record older material for newer albums, something they did on Teens of Style. Hopefully, there are a couple of hidden gems in need of a revamp within that baker’s dozen of half-baked albums. Not a formal breakthrough, but it is indeed a breakthrough. With lots of wit to go around, I have a feeling Toledo has many more stories to tell, stories that need to be heard. Rock’s always in need of some sort of heroes, and Car Seat Headrest may be suited for the job. Here’s to their dismal youth staying around for a couple more albums. A

(Key Tracks: "Fill in the Blank," "Drugs with Friends," "1937 Skate Park," "Destroyed by Hippie Powers")

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