Most college students tend to go home over the summer to spend quality family time, work or hang out with their high school friends. I, unlike most college kids, choose to remain on the Defiance College campus year round. Some think I’m crazy, but I am here to elaborate on why I decided to take advantage of this opportunity.
1. All of the resources of the college are at your disposal
Because I am on campus, I can talk with professors who remain on campus. I am able to have a deeper connection with professors than I would during the school year. By having that relationship, I am able to connect with them and make my college experience more personal. Constant access to the library is another advantage to staying on campus during the summer. I can print when I need too, have internet access and have questions answered whenever I'm there. Having the business office and registrar’s office nearby helps with any financial aid questions and scheduling classes. The campus gym is also empty any time of day. I can work out for my sport or to stay fit once I am off of work.
2. You have commuter friends to hang out with
I have been fortunate enough to befriend many people at Defiance College, and some of my friends happen to be commuters. They are my safe haven when I need to have more social interactions, as well as general advice. Home cooked meals are nice to have by an experienced cook. Most importantly, my friends have pets! Getting the therapy of companionship with an animal is a way for me to relief stress. I am not saying that I use my friends for their pets, but it does give me motivation to come over more often!
3. You gain more self confidence
I was never the type of person that would consider myself confident. I was constantly scared of doing something wrong. Living on campus over the summer is different than during the school year. Work consumes the majority or my time, there aren’t nearly as many people to hang out with and there's no meal plan. Time management skills are important, as well as learning new skills. Being on my own helps me establish my own self-care. I can do things for myself such as paint, hang out with friends and work out at the gym.
4. Learn how to cook on your own (or not)
I will say that over the summer I do miss my meal plan. Those are words I never thought I would say. The convenience of having food made for you made life a little easier. Cooking is an important skill that people should learn. I will say that I am not the best cook yet, and I still eat a ton of lunchables when I do not have time. But the experience of learning how to cook will help me in the future to maintain a healthier lifestyle.
5. Maintain a steady job all year round
I have had several work study jobs that I have been able to keep during the summer. I do not have to continuously go job hunting, or even drive to work. Other than campus jobs, I have had the privilege of talking with my professors to help me get my foot in the door with jobs pertaining to my field. I not only will keep my job over the summer, but the company will work with me to obtain this job all year.
6. Stay involved with the college activities
I am an actively involved college student who is always trying to take advantage of new experiences. As a part of the service leader’s program, I am always seeking ways to volunteer. Volunteering is great to help others, and learn more about yourself. It can take you out of your comfort zone. Volunteering can help one decipher their interests, and give experience in the field that they are studying.
7. Freedom to make more choices on your own
I know my parents love me, and are constantly wanting what is best. They are over protective, and sometimes a little overbearing, but I know it is with love. Being on my own allows me to make my own decisions. Good or bad, I will learn from my mistakes, and become wiser. Experiences are a way of learning, and if someone experiences something they did or did not like, they will remember it better. Also it teaches accountability as well as responsibility. Life is not going to be perfect, and people will make wrong decisions. It is a part of life that goes with growing up.
8. Learn that communication is important especially with high school friends
I am a person that is full of adventure. I enjoy going out and experiencing the world. I am not one who goes home often. I have lost touch with most of my high school friends. Consistently, I have one friend who I have been able to stay in touch with. She knows more about me than anyone else, and has made such an impact in my life. I know how much effort it takes, and I have become emotionally strong because of our distant friendship. Communication is so important to have with those that you genuinely care about.
9. Help support my College
I am an Ambassador, and orientation leader for the college. I am blessed with such an amazing job where I get to express all of the opportunities I have been privileged with just in the past two year of my under graduate. I can talk about how Defiance College is my home, and how I have traveled serval places, and built up a resume the employers will love. I talk about the wonderful family atmosphere, and activities students can do. I am able to show others the place where I have found myself.
10. Makes my appreciate my family more
Yes, it is true that I rarely come home, but that does not mean that I miss my family any less. I talk to my family every day. They want what is best for me and understand that I have to branch out so that I can have the life that I have always dreamt about. My family is so supportive of everything single activity that I am involved in and continue to be my inspiration. I do miss the home cooked meals, quality family time, and when mom did the laundry. “Adulting” can be a challenge, but my family has set me up for success. I have a huge support system. I cherish the few weekends I am able to come home for a little while! I bring gifts and picture from all over the world where I have traveled and show them pictures of everything I have been involved in. I catch up on some much needed puppy love with my two amazing dogs, and thoroughly enjoy the precious family time I have been blessed with.