"Accepting help is its own kind of strength."
There is nothing wrong with being an independent person, however, we all face situations in which we need to accept help from someone. No one can do everything on their own. Humans were designed not only to give, but to also receive assistance.
As a whole, humans have somehow gotten themselves into a bad habit of over apologizing when someone extends a helping hand; no matter how dire the situation. Instead of having an instinctual reaction to thank someone for their generosity, the words "I'm sorry," seem to come before anything else. This is a strange phenomenon, because when the roles are reversed, no one wants to be apologized to for simply offering to help someone.
People have managed to create this idea that it is almost a taboo to let someone else help them. That it in some way makes us less than or incapable, or threatens our ego, when we clearly know the opposite. Helping someone is a form of showing them love and kindness, something that we all need. Even the most independent person needs and deserves to feel loved.
By rejecting someone's assistance, or by apologizing to them, it can actually come across as very offensive. It makes that person question themselves, and may make them feel as though you do not appreciate what they did for you. Although that may not be your intent when you are apologizing, there is always the possibility of your apology being received in that way.
It is okay to be independent, but it is also important to be able to accept help. The act of accepting help is both courageous and humbling. It is just simply nice to allow someone to do something for us every once in a while; to let others love us and show us that they care by providing us with assistance. Rejecting their help may mean rejecting their love, and that can really hurt.
The next time someone offers to help you, accept it. A chain reaction of kindness is waiting to begin, and it all starts with you. Accept the help from those around you, then pass it on.