Moving out on your own for the first time is always overwhelming. People always tell me to “be independent” but I believe I already have been. I just like the company and comfort of other people. However, I recently dove into the world of complete independence when I moved out on my own—approximately 1,925 miles from my parents and over 150 miles to the nearest family member. Is it easy? Not at all. I didn’t know what to expect at first but here’s what I have learned thus far and believe you need to know if you plan to claim your independence through living alone…
1. You grow up fast.
If you asked me a year ago if I thought I would be bleaching showers, scrubbing counters, and upkeeping an entire house on my own at this point, I would have laughed. Utilities were (and still sort of are) a whole different language. Keeping a fridge stocked is hopeless unless you know exactly what you will eat and when. Have a broken…well…anything? Now YOU have to figure out how to fix it. If you don’t have something, YOU have to buy it. Oh, and don’t forget to turn off the lights and lock the door…
2. You will learn that you need things you didn't even know existed.
I don’t even know where to begin. I never realized how much went into cooking and cleaning and even just putting things away for storage. I keep finding new things I need to invest in every single day. I hope eventually I’ll stop finding things I need.
3. You will get lonely.
Living by yourself can be frightening. A creaky floorboard or the wind blowing a tree against the house can inspire the worst thoughts to emerge in your head and send you into a panic. Even getting ready for the day or getting into bed at night is so much lonelier when you live alone. There’s no one to talk to, no one making any background noise, no one to ask for their opinion. It’s just you, yourself, and your reflection. Even having a pet (for me a dog) does very little to keep you company. It’s great to have another living being around but pets cannot converse like other humans. I guess learning to live with loneliness and boredom is the quickest way to success and happiness when you live alone.
4. You can do whatever you want.
If you want to stay up until 4 a.m. blaring music—go for it! If you want to make food that will stink up the whole house—it’s all you! If you want to rearrange furniture or buy more—bring it on! There is no one to tell you when, where, or what to do. Your life and your schedule is completely yours to control.
5. You feel completely empowered.
Being able to say you spent any period of time living alone and fending for yourself is impressive as it. However, to say you lived and THRIVED on your own is the best feeling in the world. Being so independent that you don’t need daily help from anyone makes you feel invincible. Living alone shows you that you CAN take on the world by yourself and that you are able to do and be anything you want to be.