We currently are in one of the craziest whirl wind elections of a generation. I’m personally already wondering what the history books will read in 40-50 years from now. There are so many pieces of this presidential election, but specifically we need to focus on the race itself. The race to the white house between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Never in recent American politics have we had an election where both candidates are hated by the general public. This election has turned into less about making history with the idea of the first female president, and more about keeping our very democracy intact. When people vote next month it will be based on not who someone likes more, but who is the lesser of the two evils. For myself personally in November it seems like a no brainier. For many American’s however they feel the complete opposite. Millions of people in America support Trump because they think he resonates with their logic. He has an “outsider” perspective, doesn’t have the knowledge or experience of any ordinary politician in Washington, and therefore should lead the country. For many of his supporters they hear the name "Trump" and have based their opinions and feelings for him on the basis he had a reality television show on NBC and made horrific business investments in Atlantic City.
Trump has been able to tap into a huge swath of anger within our country. He’s taken this anger and has turned it into nothing less than hate, racism, and has given a platform for white nationalism and supremacy. He has also shown how a vast portion of this country is uneducated. When his supporters say they like him because he ‘speaks their mind” they understand exactly what he’s saying. They understand and love that his rhetoric is fascist, racist, dangerous and DEPLORABLE.
In contrast Clinton is hated within her own party as well. Many progressives in the Democratic Party have had firm stances against her in recent months because she isn’t left enough. Republicans however continue to bash her for the silly, outdated arguments with regards to her emails and the Benghazi Libya attacks that left four Americans dead in 2012. The Republican National Convention didn’t hold back, going as far to chant “Hillary for Prison!” on the convention floor. Throughout the primaries Bernie Sanders challenged her for the nomination and even though he lost, his message and progressive agenda has pushed her farther to left throughout this campaign cycle.
Regardless, November 8th is just weeks away and less than 50 days to go the choices we have for president could not be clearer. When all is said and done after these 19 months, one thing is certain. American's will step into the voting booths or through absentee ballots, and they’ll be presented with a decision, to choose between two ideas. This election, and everything we have seen within the past year and half comes down to one simple battle. White Supremacy vs. Democracy. However you chose to cast your vote, make sure it is on the right side of history.