"Incredibles 2" has been a highly anticipated movie for over a decade and for good reason. Brad Bird created his animated superhero movie in 2004, but many young and older adults remember the movie's high amounts of action, creativity, and well-done animation. "Incredibles" is a beloved Disney classic by countless people so it is safe to say that there were a lot of high hopes for this current sequel. People flocked to theaters in droves, hoping that "Incredibles 2" brought the same action-packed and character-driven plot that the first one did.
So now one must ask: How exactly was the movie?
Overall, I would say that this movie was well worth waiting for. At the time, "The Incredibles" had amazing animation that took serious time and effort to complete. So already, the expectation was set high when it comes to the animation. Personally, I believe the animation is even better here.
One thing that is commented about when it comes to Brad Bird's animation is his use of animation focus that brings attention to things in the foreground or background just as a camera lens would do in a live-action movie. Once again, Bird uses this in his movie which makes it seem all the more grounded in reality. Also, I believe that the action scenes in this movie are just incredibly well done. The way the scene moves and matches the quick action scenes or movements of characters like Elastigirl is just nice and fast-paced. The amount of detail and thought that goes into each scene is astonishingly well done.
The story was well put together as well. It follows how the first movie ended exactly and does so in a way that doesn't feel too confusing or jarring. I think that it is a well-written script with plenty of jokes and tender moments that will leave a warm feeling in your chest. Personally, there is one scene involving Jack Jack that had me absolutely rolling in my seat. I won't day spoil it for you, but if you haven't seen it yet, you are in for a treat.
Now, another question remains. Is this movie as good as the original?
Like I said, in animation, I believe this movie surpasses the first one. However, there are somethings that I really wanted to see in this movie. In the first movie, we had a lot of amazing action scenes that really showed on each character's abilities that made the movie so enjoyable to watch. Personally, and this is just my opinion, I would have liked to have seen more of that in this movie. Don't get me wrong, the sequel has a lot of amazing action sequences. However, these mostly involve Elastigirl and it would have been great to have seen more from the rest of the cast as well.
However, I have an idea of where Brad Bird wanted to go with this and ones must take that into account. With the first movie, we really wanted to focus on the family dynamic when it comes to superheroes. The superhero was a part of the overall movie, but it was really the family drama and character that took a greater importance. It is sort of like looking at the ordinary family dynamic within the realm of the extraordinary. "Incredibles 2" is no stranger to this idea as well and having the movie focus more on Elastigirl and action related to her makes sense.
The last movie focused a lot on Mr. Incredible and his "return" to the superhero scene so it makes complete sense to have this one take the focus a little away from him. However, I just think that with the introduction of the idea that there are more superheroes we could get a really action-packed climax filled with really intense fights with different powers. We do get that to some degree, but I just think this movie could have taken it further.
However, this only my opinion and outlook on the movie. Perhaps it is just due to my love of this movie, its characters, and the world it created. I want to see more because I am so invested in it. Is "Incredibles 2" an incredible sequel? It definitely is. This movie further builds upon the family dynamic and helps expand the world for both its characters and its audience. I wish all the best for Brad Bird and look forward to seeing where he decides to go next.