It has been 15 years in the making, but Pixar Animation has finally graced us with the sequel to "The Incredibles." If you, by any chance, have been living in a hole and haven't seen any of the commercials for it, this sequel picks up directly where the first movie left off. We finally get to find out what is going on with the Underminer. This movie truly exceeded all of my expectations. I have to admit "The Incredibles 2" might actually be better than "The Incredibles."
This movie completely fulfills all of our childhood dreams as we get to see our favorite superhero family together again and back in action. From the battle with the Underminer to the relationship between Violet and Tony Rydinger, there are so many amazing things about this movie. We get to see more growth between Bob and Helen, as well as seeing the kids grow up a little more too. Plus how can you not love to see Jack Jack back in action and exploring all of his powers. Yes, Jack Jack has powers!!!
This movie was truly phenomenal. The writing was amazing from the storyline to the comedy it was all around a wonderful script. My inner child was freaking out the entire time. This was a great experience because we got to see a new side to some of our favorite superheroes, while still being able to stay true to the characters that we already know and love.
Now, I can't forget about one of the best people, Edna Mode. Your favorite superhero fashion designer is back and better than ever. She is still as fabulous and crazy as ever. In this sequel you get to have some more time with her and see some new crazy designs and inventions. The scenes with Edna have always been my favorite, but I love her even more now than I did before.
Now, with every movie there always comes something that we can nit pick at and I only have one small thing. "The Incredibles" became so renowned for the conversation between Lucius and his wife about his super suit. Now this one nodded to that, but for a scene that was so iconic in the first one, I was expecting just some more of that. Even with this, I still give so much love and praise to this movie.
Pixar you have outdone yourselves and my inner child couldn't be happier with how wonderful this movie was, especially after such a long wait. This is definitely a movie to go see in theaters. Don't wait until it is out because you will be missing out. There is just something about going to an actually theater.
In the end, this movie was completely worth the wait and I give much props to Disney and Pixar because the fact that they literally picked up from exactly where they left off 14 years ago is a testament to how great and amazing this movie and this company is.