Ahh, 2004. MTV still aired music videos and Friends had just went off the air. But that year, I was seven years old and the only thing that I was obsessed over was Disney movies, mainly Pixar to be specific. They had already given us "Toy Story" and "Finding Nemo", so we were waiting on the next big movie. Then we got... "The Incredibles".
Now, my parents didn't have movie money like that, so I had to wait until it came out on Blockbuster; For the young ones, this used the original Netflix on video cassette from the 1980s to 2007. This movie was the kid version of "Mission Impossible". This wasn't just a kids movie, this was an action movie that we've watched at least twenty times. And for the last ten years we've been asking one simple question.
Cut to March 2015, Disney announces that "Incredibles 2" is in the works. Now, these announcements are taken with a grain of salt, because more than a third of the time they don't pull through (*cough cough, DC Movies*). But then, the summer of 2017, we got a release date one year from that day, June 15th, 2018. We were finally getting the sequel we've been asking for. For years we've gotten knock off after flop, with the exception of "Coco". Let's be honest, no one wanted a "Cars 3" sequel even though my baby cousins love him.
I went to the movie theater for the fourth time in six months because Disney has been taking my paycheck from all the movies they keep popping out. I spent my money on the popcorn and cherry slushie. I sat in a theater full of kids for two hours, and luckily I didn't cause a fight with one. This movie was worth the fourteen year wait. I didn't feel like it had been so long since the first. It felt like I was seven years old again and I was just silent as I watched the screen play.
The Parr family was Incredible, yes pun intended. Every person did their part, Jack-Jack was the stand out of the whole crew. The story was hilarious, the action was amazing, and the hype was for real. It broke box office records and is the highest opening weekend for any animated movie at $180,000,000.
This is hands down one of the best movies of the year. And now we're all asking when "Incredibles 3" is going to come out. If it does happen, let's not wait another fourteen years for next one to come out. Maybe at least two years, but four maximum, okay Disney? :)
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