I am one week away from starting life as a college student. One week until moving into my dorm which I will call home for the next nine months. One week until I get to meet my roommate. One week until I meet my professors and peers. One week until I get to check off a list of college firsts. I have never been more excited for something to happen in my life.
Although, college can seem a little frightening if you actually sit down and think about it. It's the first time for many where they are living away from their childhood friends, their families, and most importantly, their pets. It's a huge change in lifestyle and the food is never as good as a home cooked meal. Also the fact of having to share a bathroom with several other girls (or boys) and living with total strangers for a period of time probably freaks people out. The worry that you and your roommate won't get along, that your honeymoon phase might only last a week or that you might not make any friends. Having to pick out bedding and decor items for your dorm might end up being a total chore. There is a lot to contemplate when having to start college, and it can be stressful.
To be honest, my first college thought was most likely along the lines of how much money will I have to spend on ramen noodles and if it's frowned upon to wear sweatpants on the first day as an incoming student. I took the easy route when filling out my rooming surveys, just asking to get randomly assigned instead of having to advertise my likes and dislikes online like a dating profile. Yet I finished all my summer assignments in one sitting hoping it would get me to move-in-day faster. I hopped onto the college train without a worry.
And as you can imagine, I can't seem to contain my excitement to start. I'm not so sure why I am so eager to jump from the nest and soar into semi-adulthood. Living pretty much on your own sounds amazing to me. There is just something so refreshing about the news of being able to start over, knowing that high school is done and we are on our way to figuring out what dreams we can make come true.
I know that university has it's challenges and I am prepared to face them. These next four years are leading me to become all I want to be and all I can end up being. These next four years are going to be filled with excitement for the future and hard work. These next four years are also going to be filled with all-nighters and random cat naps and hair pulling. If we're being honest, my roomie and I will most likely be sharing a couple of teary nights too, since Netflix is a mutual friend and procrastination just loves to come and visit.
Sure, I'll admit that I am a little bit worried and kind of freaked out, hopefully just like some of my peers are too. But I believe that all we have to do is keep the big picture in mind. Remember that the journey is part of the reward. These might be memories that last a lifetime. Relationships that might never end.
College gives chances that were once hidden deep beneath layers of high school courses and unnecessary textbooks. It gives us all the chance to explore ourselves, figure out what and who we are. I find that amazing and so uplifting.
I have high expectations for my next four years of university. Alongside peers that are dedicated and supportive, welcoming and accepting, who are hard workers and have a love for fun, I think I'll do just fine.
So again, I am over the moon about starting university. I am ready to start a new chapter in my life. I'm ready for you, college, and I hope you're ready for me too.