The latest Gallup poll, August 19-25, shows Hillary Clinton with a 55 percent unfavorability rating. The latest Quinnipiacpoll, August 18-24, shows Donald Trump with a 61 percent unfavorability rating. The numbers in these polls suggest that both candidates are largely unpopular. But the numbers don’t stop here. Only 28.5 percent of estimated eligible voters voted in the primaries this election, according toPew Research. Now let’s think about that for a moment. The number is 28.5 percent of estimated eligible voters. They go on to say this translates to around 57.6 million people. And as U.S.Newsreports, the estimated US population entering 2016 was 322,762,018. So if we take the estimated 57.6 million voters out of the estimated 322,762,018 million people in the United States, we get roughly 17.8 percent of the US population voting in the primaries.
So with these high unfavorability ratings for each candidate, what do Americans want? According to a recent Gallup poll, an estimated six in ten Americans say a third party candidate is needed for better representation. With it appearing that only Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will be in the presidential debates this year, third party candidates will get the back seat, and as usual our nation’s two ruling parties will dominate representation with these debates.
Gallup poll however, a large majority of people do want a third option. If you like most Americans, want a third party option and would like to hear where the third party candidates stand on our nation's issues, then you want Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party Candidate, and Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party Candidate, in these upcoming debates. This will allow you to hear all candidates' policy positions and make an informed decision as a voter between four options instead of only two. According to Fox News Politics, three debates are currently scheduled for Sept. 26, Oct. 9, and Oct. 19th. Hopefully soon, we will hear of the inclusion of Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein.
For more information on Dr. Jill Stein and her policy positions please visit her website here. For information on Gary Johnson and his policy positions click here. For Donald Trump, and his policy positions click here. And for information on Hillary Clinton's policy positions click here.