OK, so you're feeling a little less than. You're saying no to perfect opportunities. You're closing down and standing somewhere far in the corner. That, my friend, is the perfect example of when you might be feeling inadequate. You feel like you don’t measure up. It happens to the best of us. Over time you will be able to catch this and hopefully be able to challenge this and overcome it.
First, you need to analyze yourself a bit and all of the attributes God or ______ has provided for you, and realize that there is only one of you on this Earth, so you NEED to represent. It’s corny, but you're truly one-of-a-kind and no matter how hard you might look, there is no one on this planet that is like you!
OK, now that that’s out of the way, please believe me when I tell you that feeling inadequate in your life will come and go. However, the way you deal with it is what makes the difference.
It’s natural to ask yourself, "Do I deserve this? Am I really up for this ? Do I trust myself enough to take that risk?"
I'm here to tell you that “Yes, yes you are." You would not be faced with the opportunity if you weren’t ready for it. I'm a big believer in energies and the idea of you putting into the universe what you want back. If you want positivity you have to eject positivity. With hard work, you will reap your benefits sooner or later. So the feeling of inadequacy comes from the section of doubt you might have in your mind, usually coupled with low self-esteem and a bunch of other personal demons.
As young women and young people, we need to learn to combat this feeling and other feelings like it by using our more solid understandings of self. Feelings fluctuate, but your understandings and convictions are here to stay. Trust yourself and your decisions — it’s as simple as that.
-Kissy <3