I've always seen myself as a pretty positive person, but it has become increasingly harder the older I have gotten. I log into Facebook and I see cases of violence and attacks but that's not even the worst part - you see people arguing about these attacks and discounting somebody's life so that their own opinion on the subject can be heard.
You see a murder, a rape, another political scandal, or another horrific thing happening to a child and it becomes increasingly hard to see the good in others. Last night I sat down and attempted to watch the news, and it physically pained me to see all of the negativity, anger, stupidity, and downright horrific events happening in the world. It can become very depressing to sit and look at your phone day after or watch the news day after and only hear of negative and down right blood-curdling events. I understand that bad news creates headlines, but I believe what this world needs is a whole lot more positivity.
Don't take this the wrong way, I am not saying that we should ignore the really horrible things happening in our world, I think that we should listen to them and learn from them. However, what I am saying is that we should not let negative events consume our lives- I think that we should spread positivity and love. Maybe instead of constantly focusing on the negative news in the media, you hug your loved ones a little closer, you take that puppy on a walk, you go and explore nature. Just escape the negative world of the media and maybe shed some positivity onto the world. Instead of immediately hopping online when something you disagree with happen, take a minute and think about who those words may effect. There is already enough hate and anger in the world and we don't need to perpetuate that anger onto our own social media platforms.
It seems to me that most people are losing hope in humanity, but I refuse to do so. I believe that the majority of people are good and that there is good inside of them. I believe that if we all would just set ourselves out on a day to day basis to radiate positivity we could make the world a little bit happier. I believe that we should stop responding to negativity with more negativity and we could all live more peacefully. We can't let our lives be consumed by the bad; we must let love grow - as cheesy as that may sound.
So I say we go out there and we share pictures of kids having fun, or pugs wearing flower crowns. We fill peoples' timelines with funny jokes or happy stories that happen day to day. I say we stop fighting with each other and start fighting for each other. I say that we need to be rays of sunshine in a world that is full of dark clouds. We should start being good to one another for no reason at all except for that you don't know what someone else is going through and maybe you can spread your positivity through them and onto another.
Don't let this stone cold world dim your positivity. Go out there and love full heartedly, trust others, believe in the good and be the good. No matter what, choose to be optimists because it will feel so much better!
Be the light that this world needs!