Pregnancy Tests | The Odyssey Online
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In Two Minutes

In a gas station off of Highway 10, a girl takes the most nerve-wrecking test of her life with the help of her best friend.


In a run-down gas station off Highway 10, Elle and Paisley walk in with a singular mission. Looking up and down each aisle, they finally find the section containing the "unmentionables" as Paisley likes to call them. You know, the tampons, condoms, and ah yes...the pregnancy tests.

"I've always found it funny that they put these tests right beside the condoms. Almost like it's supposed to serve as a reminder. But, if you would have remembered the condom then you wouldn't need this tes-"

"P, I love you. But if you don't shut up, I swear I will knock you on your ass!"

"Gosh, you're already hormonal..."

Realizing Paisley isn't capable of shutting her big mouth, Elle just gives her a look letting her know exactly where she can go. Paisley raises her hands, signaling her surrender, and the girls walk towards the register.

Trying to look nonchalant, Elle places the box on the counter and tries not to make eye-contact with the judgy-faced blonde smacking her gum behind the counter.

"$10.96," says the gum smacker wearing a badge that reads Brittany. Elle can't help but to think how stereotypical it is that there is yet another blonde-haired girl named Brittany is this world; nevertheless, she lays the money down on the counter. The girls then turn and walk to the back of the store towards the one-stall bathroom to see what her fate beholds.

When they cram into the bathroom, Elle starts to open the package when Paisley interrupts: "Should we like, pray or something?"

"Pray? To who?" Elle wonders if it would even work since she hasn't seen the inside of the church since 6th grade bible school.

"I don't know...Maybe all of them! I mean, it can't hurt..."

"It will probably hurt if they smite me for having premarital sex in the first place!"

"Good point. Maybe just a quick Hail Mary then?"

"Ugh. What the hell," utter Elle, "at this point I'll take whatever I can get."

After the Hail Marys, Elle quickly rips open the box and starts to unbutton her pants when Paisley says,

"Aren't you going to read the directions?"

"You pee...on a's not exactly rocket science, P."

"Sorry. Just give me the box and I'll read it," adds Paisley in a placating tone.

It is at this moment, as Elle sits down to take the test, that she thinks back to the day she met Nate...

To be continued...

Next week: "In Two Minutes: Nate"

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