For The Class Of 2017 And Soon To Be Class Of 2021 | The Odyssey Online
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For The Class Of 2017 And Soon To Be Class Of 2021

"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" -A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

For The Class Of 2017 And Soon To Be Class Of 2021
Christina Engelke

Dear High School Class of 2017,

Before you dive into the ocean of tassels and face the endless flashes of your dad’s camera, I have some words of wisdom to share with any high school seniors in anticipation of the rapidly approaching graduation days.

As I see those members of my own high school’s senior class conclude their final days of class and begin their preparations for commencement, I am overwhelmed with a sense of nostalgia. I’ve found myself reflecting upon the events which have taken place within the last year of my life. It’s so easy for me to flash back to those milestone moments that filled my final days of high school and home, and each time I do, I cannot help but recall the most tremendous wave of mixed emotions they brought with them.

Although I was given the typical reminders to enjoy myself and the excitement of my senior year, there is so much I wish I could tell myself this time last year. Nobody can wholly explain the significance of those final senior year moments. Rather, it is important to be aware of the emotional rollercoaster you’ve only just been waiting in line for. The lessons which I took from these transitional moments are far greater than I ever anticipated, and will not soon be forgotten.

I may be more sentimental than most, but there’s no denying the difficulty of change for anybody. Graduation and the embarkment of your college experience are perhaps the most dramatic changes you have yet to face. Before you are rewarded with many wonderful hellos, you must face many dreadful goodbyes. The only way to make it through the hardest days is to realize the greatness of what lies ahead. Know how incredible your next four years must be for any college student or graduate to swear that all of this is more than worth it. The goodbyes, for most, begin with your high school graduation. You did it. You finally made it, and you should feel just as proud as everybody will tell you should. Not only should you be proud for your academic achievement, you have survived and conquered four years of stress, drama, confusion, and significant growth. Whether you look fondly on your high school experience or have had “senioritis” since freshman year, it’s over. You should feel accomplished and, honestly, cathartic. However, as quick as this day is sure to feel, be sure to take in each fleeting second as best you can. Fight to feel present in the present moment. This is quite possibly the last time you’ll see the majority of the people you’ve spent such a significant portion of your life with, and certainly the final time you’ll all be together at once. Exchange one last smile with your “in school” friend you’ve exchanged homework with since freshman year. Thank the teachers who taught so much more than what was outlined on the syllabus. Hug your closest friends even if it makes you both cry. It’s okay to cry at graduation. It’s also okay not to. Everybody experiences the emotions of change differently, and it’s important to be sensitive to that of your fellow seniors. Believe me, as brave as you think you are, you're bound to cry at some point of the process. Graduation is only the start of the goodbyes, and, at least for me, it’s one of the easiest.

Tassels turned, caps taken flight and landed, pictures were taken, and congratulations exchanged, you’re left with four months to say goodbye to practically all you've ever known and trust me, it’s just as hard as that sounds. Yet, despite the difficulty of my final departure, my senior summer gifted me some of my most treasured memories. As much as I love and appreciate my final moments as a member of my high school’s senior class, I honestly feel as though the summer leading up to my freshman year of college left an even greater impact on myself than I could’ve ever imagined. Outshone by the notoriety of senior year, I don't think the significance of this time is given the credit it deserves. It truly was the best of times and the worst of times all at once. Between running to graduation parties and running to bed bath and beyond for dorm decor, when you finally try to enjoy the relaxation of summer it’s so difficult to shut down your busy brain. Even though it’s generally all fun and exciting things filling your social calendar, the lengthiness of your to-do list is daunting. Each time I’d finally lay down by my pool or at the beach, I found myself to be particularly restless. It was nearly impossible to clear my head, and I couldn’t help myself but overanalyze each aspect of my eventual departure. However, despite my often inability to relax in moments such as these, I found it tremendously helpful to keep myself busy with friends rather than allow myself to be stuck with nothing to do but think. Even better, discussing all these feelings with my friends relieved much of my anxieties. As fearless as many of your peers may seem, I can ensure you’re not alone in your apprehensions. Let out how you feel and release all your negative thoughts when you do. Allow yourself to genuinely enjoy your final months of summer; it’s one of the last you'll have to enjoy without internships or summer sessions at school. Enjoy feeling like a kid while you still are one. Lose yourself in the late night drives with your friends with the music blasting and the windows down or the stupid 3 AM conversations in your friends basement that leave you sore from laughing so hard. Be sure to take tons of pictures and videos to look back on, your homesick self will appreciate it at some point. Give yourself the best possible memories to hold on to when memories are all this summer is left to be.

Specifically in reference to those brave and lucky enough to have chosen a school beyond their home, the stress and excitement which encompasses any incoming college freshman is unimaginable. I’ve never experienced such a bittersweet mix of emotions as I did in preparing for my freshman year. Although it is unbelievably challenging to avoid all thoughts of leaving, don’t waste your final days anticipating what’s to come. Focus on feeling present in the moment. No matter what, these final months will fly by, but wouldn’t you rather leave on the best possible note and look back and feel so thankful for the people and place that grew along side you? For those brave enough to leave confidently with not a single tear shed, I envy your courage but much more appreciate the love I have for all the things I need to reluctantly bid farewell to each time I return to school. Just as a childhood character much wiser than we realized once said, “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Leaving home will undoubtedly be one of the most difficult transitions you’ve ever faced, but I promise you it will make all the difference. Just as is true for any change, you're likely to have many moments of doubt and uncertainty, but never let yourself forget why you’re leaving. Going away to school is undoubtedly the best decision I’ve ever made, despite the doubts I once had. Fear is natural. Let it fuel you. Use the butterflies in your stomach to soar above the ocean of tears beneath you. Home is where the heart is, and as long as you do everything with love, your home will always be with you. Don't worry, it’ll be Thanksgiving break before you know it.

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