Take a look around. All that is happening right now, right this very second, will never happen again. We take for granted our time here on this earth like we're going to live forever. The harsh reality is that all that we have can be taken from us in any given moment. So stop sitting around and stop sulking over the past. The past is gone, whatever happened happened. The past cannot be changed. The future cannot be determined. All that you have in your power to change is the now. You can sit around and dwell and stress and waste these precious moments of life you've been given with all of your misery, or you can go out change your energy, and do something for yourself.
Enjoy the company of those surrounding you and don't take a single second of their presence for granted. Time is so precious, so don't waste it. Get off your phone and listen to what people have to say, speak what's on your mind. Live in the moment.
We have to power to make ourselves happy and to seize each and every moment. Instead of stressing about what the future holds, live in the present and use each moment as a way to better yourself and your life. You make your own decisions; so make the right ones. Choose to enjoy each moment and all that you have instead of wishing and waiting for something else to come. If all our lives are spent wishing and waiting, we will miss what we have right in front of us right now.
I know life can suck sometimes, and sometimes we want more than anything to sleep the day away, but even in the bad, there is some good if you look closely enough. Find comfort in those that you love, or even find comfort in doing what you love. Don't let anything hold you back from happiness. Strive to spend as little time of your life being anything but happy.
Spend each moment like it's your last. Stop waiting around and thinking "what could be" or "what could've been." Go out, right this very second, and get what you want. Stop waiting around. Life is short, spend time with the people you love and do whatever it is that makes you happy. Life moves fast, remember to stop for a second and take a look around. Make sure to live each and every second to the fullest.