Hodor. A man of few words. Yet, he has gripped this nation by it's heart for the past five years. Undeniably the most innocent, trust-worthy, good-to-the-bones character on Game Of Thrones. And in probably the saddest death of the entire series--I'm talking worse than burning Shireen alive, worse than the Red Wedding, worse than any Direwolf death (R.I.P Lady, Grey Wind, Shaggydog, and Summer)--he has now left the Seven Kingdoms and is in resting in Seven Heavens. Today, we honor Hodor (Wylis on the TV show, Walder for our book readers), who sacrificed himself to save Bran and Meera from the Whites. We do so by reliving some of his best moments.
Recommended for you
1. "Hodor"
Maybe that one wasn't good enough for you. It's from Season One and, as we know, he's undergone a lot of character development since then. Here are a few other great "Hodor"s.
And of course, there was this gem:
2. When he got scared by thunder and almost gave away their position to some really nasty wildlings.
And Bran said what we were all thinking:
SOB! If only we knew. We never would have wished him to stop Hodoring.
3. When Bran warged into Hodor and kills some people.
But then we all got really sad when Bran went back into his body and Hodor realized what he (or, more accurtately, his body) had done.
4. This badass scene:
5. When we realize this:
6. When he makes the ultimate sacrifice, and we finally learn why his name is "Hodor".
Rest in peace, Hodor. You will be missed, never forgotten, and always loved.