For a period of time, I thought that the lessons learned in life could be kept to a minimum and could be relatively easy to incorporate, hence, making problems and issues and conflicts more bearable, detached, and short-lived. I've found that I was mistaken.
I went through an issue--we all go through issues--that I knew would be prolonging. In wishing that controversy away, I thought I accepted that which was, in my mind, obviously, making itself known to me, and proceeded to ignore the problem. At that same time, a close friend was also facing a challenging predicament, but was handling and responding to it in a much more current, real, and beneficial way, and, therefore, let me learn from the ways in which she was slowly repaired.
First of all, the lessons you learn should not be something wished to be kept at bay or prayed to be resolved soon. That method doesn't work because of all of the continual ups and downs that comprise "life." The lessons are everywhere, in any situation (positive or negative) with so much substance to them that they cannot possibly be grasped and accepted on our own terms. And they apply to each stage and situation in our lives and on such varying levels that they will simply continually resurface, anyway.
Next, if you or I are worried and fearful because of a situation, or person, or frame of mind rushing it--the lesson--does not make it better. It has to run its course, go it's pace, leave it's marks, and gradually, eventually, cease, whether that cease to exist, or cease to bring pain, or merely cease to engulf. Trying to hurry an issue by "learning your lesson" and attempting to move on doesn't allow for complete sincerity, a time to grieve, any anger, and then the strength to climb back into the light and then use your experience to help the next poor unfortunate.
Believe me, I know.
Looking back, I wish almost I could've been more real about the effects of circumstance that stressful.
My way of distancing myself from any pain or frustration or unbearability proved to be faulty based on the results I received and based on the example of my friend, and so, I gratefully dedicate this work to her, and thank her for the light she lends.