We are already nearing the end of November, the month after Halloween and the month before Christmas and other holiday celebrations. November is full of fall decorations, snow preparation, and writing what we are thankful for on Facebook. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but we should be giving thanks every single day and not just the month of November on social media.
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Every day that you wake up, it’s a new day, it’s a new start, and a second chance. Waking up breathing every day is a gift that should never be taken for granted.
Every meal you eat, and not just the turkey you eat on Thanksgiving Day, is a blessing to be thankful for.
Every morning when you go to work, a place you probably don’t love going to, you should still be thankful that you have a job and the opportunity to earn a living. There are plenty of people who would love to do your job.
Every time you get in your car, or on the train, or in the taxi, be thankful you don’t have to walk or ride your bike everywhere. Most people that I know would not make it without transportation.
Every time you get to come home to your house, apartment, or hotel room, be grateful. Having a roof over your head, a floor underneath your feet, a warm place to sleep, windows to look out, and a door to protect you, is always something to be happy about.
Every time that you are surrounded by people you love, show that you are thankful with a smile on your face. Life really is too short, and you never know when it will be your last time seeing someone. Making memories with your friends and family is a blessing that should always be cherished.
Every time you listen to music, watch a play, or go to a concert, be thankful for the people who create the art that you enjoy. After all, “The ‘earth’ without ‘art’ is just ‘eh.’”
Every time you look outside and spend time outdoors, be thankful for the beauty that is all around you. This world has so much to offer and so many things to see. The oceans, the mountains, the deserts, the forests, the gardens, and animals -- we live in such a gorgeous world. Spring, summer, fall, and winter (sometimes we experience all of them in the same day!), are all four seasons that everyone needs to be thankful for. It’s an amazing thing to live in a place that’s changing constantly, from one state of beauty to the next.
Every time you wake up and get another chance to live in this world, look up and thank the man himself that makes all of it possible. I am so grateful that there is someone out there that will always look out for me and will always love me unconditionally; even when it seems like no one else is around. I am amazed every day that there is something and someone greater than all of us put together. Thank you, God, for this life, the beauty, the art, the endless opportunities, and the people that you continually bless us with. May we always remember to thank you and worship you for all of our days.