I curse. A lot. I just had to refrain from dropping a minimum of two f-bombs in each of those sentences.
I curse a f*$king shit ton and I'm tired of apologizing for it.
I know what you're probably thinking. She's an English major. She knows a lot of words. Why spew curses like it's your damn job when you have the whole f*$king thesaurus at your fingertips? I'm sorry that I'm f*$king stressed as shit and can't formulate proper sentences when I'm riled up, which happens rather often, in case you couldn't tell. The first words that come to my head? They're not always the most appropriate, but I really don't care about it. I'm really not sorry about it. Any of it.
Or, my personal favorite: "Ladies don't talk that way." My dad loves to use that one. Or he tells my sisters and me that we sound like truck drivers, sailers, or some other variation. For starters, where does he think we got it form? Secondly, I don't know if you know this or not, but I am not ladylike. Nor do I strive to be. This idea of "acting like a lady" was relevant much around the same time George Washington was president, and as great as he probably was, I want no part of it. I am a human being on this planet, and the words I use, or choose to use, should have no bearing on what's in my pants.
So why do I do it? Not to offend anyone, that's for starters. I am not intentionally looking to make people cringe because of the words that come out of my mouth. I curse because it's more out of habit than anything else at this point. I grew up in a very loud, very spirited, very Italian household, and the curses flew. Regularly. I didn't think anything of it. Whether you were happy, angry, frustrated, excited--whatever-- there was a curse word for that. I'm absolutely not blaming my parents for my colorful language. But they are the reason why I'm so desensitized to it. I'm un-phased by cursing, which is also why I do it so often.
It relieves stress. And so much of it. There is nothing like going on a very loud, expletive-laden rant, often for an extended period of time, to literally feel the stress/anger/frustration leave my body. Writing does the same thing for me. However, when I'm far my computer or a notebook, I always have my very long list of curse words at the ready to scream and yell.
I'm sure there are a number of you still rolling your eyes, thinking that I'm using these as excuses to say words that are terrible and mean and offensive. In the heat of the moment, my brain can't formulate the most articulate, profound ways to describe what I'm feeling. But ya know what it can do? Drop an f-bomb or three. And that's good enough for me.