JoJo Fletcher’s season of The Bachelorette found its resident villain on night one—Chad Johnson. To Bachelor Nation, the guy is certifiable, and next week’s previews only fuel that fire. But, let’s take a step back and really dissect Chad’s short time on the show. Is he really that crazy?
I’m not saying Chad isn’t a total douche (What do you expect from a “luxury real estate agent” from Oklahoma, anyway?”) I just don’t think he’s as evil as everyone else thinks he is. So first of all, let’s all remember that this is a show. The Bachelorette is incredibly produced and if you don’t believe me, watch UnREAL on Lifetime. It gives you a pretty good idea on what goes on behind the scenes of the Bachelor franchise. My point is, potential villains are casted in hopes of them making it at least six episodes in to provide dramatic television. Chad solidified his role as the season’s resident villain fairly quickly but he exposed the producers, in a way.
There were some warning signs about Chad. In his bio, that ABC put on their website before the show aired, he was asked, "Who do you admire the most in the world and why?", "If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?" and "If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be and why?" and his response to all was "Myself in 10 years, alright, alright, alright." He also said his greatest achievement to date was "being born good looking" so come on guys, we should’ve seen it coming.
His limo entrance and the rose ceremony in episode one were pretty tame. He was a bit cocky and he talked a lot of smack about the other guys' entrances but nothing screamed "hire a security guard to make sure Chad doesn't kill me in my sleep!" (yet). But considering there were 25 guys in that room, it was odd Chad got so much air time. His judgmental commentary was constantly shown, especially when a contestant had an out of the box limo entrance. At this point, I think most viewers thought he was hilarious. His “true colors” weren’t exposed yet. Then came episode two and Chad’s first date, which was a group date.
Well first, let’s talk about the new addition to Chad’s extensive, and steroid-based (according to the erectile dysfunction expert, Evan), work-out regimen. Chad filled one of his suitcases with tubs of protein powder, secured it to his exercise waist band with a chain and then proceeded to do pull-ups on the side of the Bachelor Mansion. The rest of the remaining men flocked to the window to watch this epic display of douchebagery. They were not as entertained by this as I was, which is expected, and so they voiced that in their confessionals. I smell villain…
Then came the group date, which took place on the set of SportsNation. The hosts, Max Kellerman and Marcellus Wiley, led several mini-competitions for those on the group date.
Chad proved he wasn't the typical Bachelorette contestant. One of the activities required each man to spin around with a bat and then walk over to JoJo and propose to her with a fake engagement ring the size of a shoe. Chad was not down for that and told JoJo she was being "a little naggy" for trying to get him to participate. Then during a press conference style activity, each guy had to sit with JoJo and they were basically asked lovey-dovey questions about their "relationship." Again, Chad was not down for that. He said he didn't really know JoJo (which is true, it's only the first week of dates) so he couldn't really say what he "loved" about her and their relationship like the other guys did.
We're all at watching like, "Seriously? Why is he still here? He better not be getting a rose!" but if you really think about it, he's not wrong. He’s being perfectly reasonable. JoJo and her potential suitors have only known each for 6.3 minutes, why are they being asked to basically declare their love for her? It seems fake and Chad is exposing just that. However, because Chad is the only guy doing this, he comes off as a jerk and a total outlaw.
Also, you may have asked yourself, "Why hasn't JoJo sent this guy home?" Simple, JoJo loves bad boys and she admitted that herself when she was competing for Ben's heart. She was picking up what Chad was putting down (for a short while).
The Bachelorette forces love on people. It places them in these dream settings, puts them on extravagant dates and expects them to fill in the blanks. How could you not feel love in the air when you’re on a horse and buggy ride through snowy Sweden? It doesn’t make sense. It’s not reality. Chad can be a real jerk but most of the time, it’s the result of instigation. The guys in the house attack him, Chad makes empty threats. Yes, empty. Chad is literally giving the producers what they want. But because he knows what they want, he’s in control of it. He’ll give them an inch but won’t give them a mile. (Translation: He’ll punch a door but he won’t punch one of the guys.)
Chad has villainous moments but he’s not a villain. He’s (close) to the equivalent of forcing your boyfriend to watch The Bachelor/Bachelorette with you when they would rather being doing anything else. He’s asking the real questions that we don’t because we’re so clouded by all the adorableness on our television. You’re right, Chad, there is no way JoJo is actually “vibing” Evan. JoJo is engrossed in Jordan and it’s so obvious. Everyone else, for that matter is not even a close second.
Chad is not the dumb, mean jock you see in 90s high school movies. Chad understands what the producers are trying to do and he’s attempting to beat them at their own game. Ever since his first group date, he’s been all talk. He rarely stirs drama up himself. Think about this, watch back and you’ll see, Chad is only a “villain” because the producers are trying to make him one. In fact, there is great chance Chad is acting this way to geton television (his ABC interview could be telling of that) and make a name for himself.
Unfortunately, we have to wait and see what happens next week with “Chad Bear,” as he once called himself. I think it’s safe to say nothing volatile takes place because it was just announced to he would be joining Bachelor in Paradise. Obviously the show runners don’t find him that much of a threat if they’ve invited him to paradise. I, for one, cannot wait.
Until then, Bachelor Nation, enjoy this gif of Chad eating a sweet potato.