I've been working at a cafe for the past few years, and let me just say that some people really have no common sense or don't know how to treat people working in customer service. Next time you visit your neighborhood coffee shop, consider these eight things:
1. Do not throw money on the counter.
2. Do not take a drink or food if you’re unsure if it’s yours.
3. Do not get mad at the server for being unable to “make an exception” for you. It’s called rules for a reason.
4. Do not interrupt us when we’re taking someone else’s order.
5. Do not leave zero gratuity if your order is $30+.
6. Do not forget your manners - say “hello” and “thank you” at the bare minimum.
7. Do not tell us how to do our jobs.
8. Do not forget that we’re humans before we’re servers, and we deserve respect.
Please keep these things in mind, and treat us the way that you'd like to be treated.