I have always been a people pleaser. Before I make a decision about anything, I consult with my friends and family to make sure they agree with my choice. To me, being a people pleaser has always been my attempt at making the people I care about feel included in my life. If someone voiced an opinion that countered the decision I was leaning towards, I would change my mind to ensure their happiness. I never really felt like I was in control because I took the opinions of others so deeply into consideration. I lived my life like this for an incredibly long time until I had the realization that I am the one in control of my life, not anyone else.
There is nobody controlling what I do with my life except for me. I am the one that gets to decide what school I go to, what I get a degree in, and where I live. I am the one that decides how I spend my time and what I do. It is not my responsibility to make sure everyone is happy and pleased with my life. It is not my responsibility to live my life according to the desires of others. It is not my responsibility to keep my dreams and desires hidden away to make other people comfortable.
Of course, I will always take other people into consideration when making big life decisions. I will always consult with family and friends so that they are aware of my choices, but I no longer will allow their opinions to dictate my life. I will always have a little bit of "people pleaser" in me and consider what other people feel; it is part of who I am to include the people I love in my life and choices.
I have the entire world at my finger tips. I have the power and control to change my path. I have the potential to go anywhere or do anything I could ever want. At the end of the day, the way in which I live my life is up to the decisions I make. It's time to stop living for others and start living for myself.