Changing as a person in college is going to happen, but the thing is, I don’t want people to change me. I don’t want my morals to change and I don’t want it to be because of the people I choose to be around. I am worried in all honesty. I grew up in a household where morals were strict and the guiding point in life. Drugs are bad, alcohol should be taken in strides, and sex isn’t casual.
I picked the wrong guys to go out with in high school and slowly with a change in schools, I started to make better decisions on who I dated. But I always thought that when a guy cheats on you, you leave them. A lot of girls I would see wouldn’t do that and it hurts me to see girls, or even guys living in fear and pain like that. I made my own mistakes then. Now in college when I do go to parties, (which isn’t often), I see girls and guys randomly hooking up. No offense to the hookup culture but I hate it. It’s how people get pregnant unexpectedly and STD’s surface. I start looking at people like, "whoa, did your parents teach you anything? At least be protected." People like this who clearly aren’t developed all the way shouldn’t be reproducing just yet.
In one of my previous articles I discussed my dislike towards marijuana. I just think most of us have grown up thinking that this was a drug and now people are saying it’s okay… no. In case you didn’t already know, the government just wants your money, they don’t really care about your well-being but they make a good attempt at acting like they do. Recently, I have done come research on CHS, a disease that causes vomiting when smoking large amounts of “weed”. The strands nowadays are much stronger than they were when our parents were trying it out and we don’t know the exact effects of it for an older person. My opinion, like most Conservatives, is “once a drug always drug,” and if you’re stupid enough to blindly do something that is a drug then maybe this is nature’s way of saying this is your destiny. Natural selection could be coming for you, sorry. This world might need a change from people that lack the proper brain cells to carry on life without a substance.
However, in my opinion, drugs are more than just marijuana. The first college party I went to, I saw a guy snorting cocaine off of a girl’s butt. My first thought was, "What am I doing here? These aren’t the type of people I want to surround myself with." I have never left a place so swiftly in my life. Some people in my classes and in school do things like that and they thrive off of it, like it is their sole purpose to party. Others just sit there and act like it's normal. Look, if you don’t like something then leave. If there is one thing in this world I can’t stand, it's followers. This isn’t high school, we have the right to be our own person and your self-worth should go further beyond what “the party girl” or “the cool guy” says you have to do. Newsflash, drugs aren’t cool. I don’t want to hold your hair back when you throw up, and no you can’t borrow a condom. Go buy your own. If you’re going to do grown-up things… maybe act like a grown-up.
As far as the drinking thing goes, I don’t care if anyone else has a drink but I don’t want to become an alcoholic. There will always be those girls and guys that need to party Monday through Sunday, and hopefully; by senior year those people wear themselves out. That isn’t my idea of living. I like remembering my nights and all the cool people I meet. It is those people that I bond with the most. We are both at a party laughing about the girl puking on the beer pong table and how she is just plain sloppy and needs to learn how to consume properly. She looks like an idiot and we strangely bond over this experience. I feel like I am too old to be cleaning up someone else’s puke. Call me selfish, but sometimes doing things for ourselves can be the best thing we can do for others.
I want to make something clear, the Odyssey is an amazing website full of amazing commentaries and opinions that fuel us to create our own. This is our first amendment right, but just know that my opinion has value too. Before you start calling me a horribly judgmental person, just remember that I am not the only one who thinks this. I just may be the only one who has the guts to write about it. Don’t down me for my opinion just because it isn’t yours…until next time.