Dear friend,
In case you need to hear it, I love you. Yes, I mean it. If you failed your test, if you are going through a hard time, if you think you can't go on, I love you.
In case you need to hear it, I am proud of you. I am proud of who you are, and I am proud of who you are becoming. I am proud of who you want to be, and I am proud of who you will always be. I am proud of your dreams. I am proud of your achievements. I am proud of you for getting up after you fall. I am proud of your smile. I am proud of you.
In case you need to hear it, I believe in you. I believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to. I believe that no one can ever do what God meant for you to do. I believe that whatever you are going to, if you let it, will make you a better person. I believe that you will get through this. That we will get through this, because I know that no matter what, you will never be alone. And although I will always try to be there for you, if I am not, God will be there.
In case you need to hear it, you are unique. You are unique and the best you anyone could ever be. You are special because if you weren't, God wouldn't have taken the time to make you. God believes in you. He doesn't make mistakes. You are not a mistake. You are unique and you have a purpose. If you are sad and feel like your life has no purpose, remember that God made you for a reason. You are unique.
In case you need to hear it, you are worth it. Don't ever feel like you are not. If you weren't, I wouldn't be writing this for you. It is acceptable to feel sad, but don't let that defeat you. You are greater than your mistakes, and God's grace is greater than your sin. You are worth it, God thought so when He died for us.
In case you need to hear it, God loves you. Please don't let this world tell you He doesn't. Don't let this world become your source of answers. It will tell you you are not loved, you are not cared for, you are not special. It is a lie. It is all a lie. Find the truth in God. God is love. Find the truth in love.
In case you need to be reminded, Jesus knew who you would become. The grades you would make. The mistakes you would do over and over again. The people you would love. The people you would hate. All the things you are. Jesus knew all of that, and He still loved you so much, He chose to die for you. If you don't believe any of the above, at least believe this. This is the most important of all.
A friend who needs to hear that from time to time too.