As 2016 progresses, America as a country seems to be moving farther and farther from "free speech". Many jump to blame the Government or the "importance of the presidential election", but in reality, it's OUR fault as a nation.
I know what you're thinking.... It's upsetting for anyone to get the blame for ruining something set out for us by our forefathers, so how could we have done anything to ruin this freedom for ourselves? This "free speech" was what our country was founded on, and for that to be missing is tragic. But sadly, it is 100% our fault.
Every day when I log into my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or even Snapchat, I see my freedom of speech diminishing rapidly. Whether I share an article I agree with, write a status about my favorite football team or choice for the Presidential candidate or even if I just like a quote from someone I respect, I find that I am condemned by many of those who are connected with me.
Our society is on a war path against any and everyone who differs in opinion from them. If someone disagrees with your style of marriage because of their religion, they're a bigot. If someone sides with a football team you don't like, they're stupid. If someone disagrees with a person of the opposite race, then they're a racist. If someone disagrees with you on gender equality, then they're sexist. The labels and "intolerant people" are endless within America and the reality is that we as a people are intolerant.
We don't allow for someone to support a different political party than us without condemning them. We don't listen with open minds to those around us and we're so busy believing that "we know best" that America is losing its freedom of speech.
Instead of joining together as a country, we split off into close-minded political, race, sexual and gender groups that refuse to collaborate in our ideas. Our Government system was built on compromise, but we in 2016 refuse. Many have labeled 2016 the year of the "offended" and that seems to ring truer than ever.
It's amazing to see how much hatred is spewed on anyone who disagrees. We can write a "book" on Facebook yelling at others to believe our opinions, but we don't take the time to understand theirs. We jump to rioting and destroying relationships rather than peacefully "agreeing to disagree." This allowance of people to be so forceful in their acquisition against anyone who disagrees with us is what is causing riots, shootings and unrest within our society.
America's biggest problem is simple. It is not who our President is/is going to be. It is not that we have an LGTBQ community. It is not even that we have people abusing our Government systems. It is simply this: No one is allowed to disagree anymore. We as a people should be embracing diversity in America - the country known specifically for its' "Melting Pot" of cultures. If we as a people can make any type of change in the upcoming year and future, I hope it is that we can begin to agree to disagree.