As a student of Saginaw Valley State University, I understand that our university is not perfect. Professors, administrators, and other employees have made mistakes in the past and will probably make more in the future. The mistakes they make effects students, and boy do students let the university know when they aren't happy. Just go onto one of the main Facebook forums for SVSU students and on any given day there will be at 1 or 2 complaints every day, sometimes more. I agree that there are some things that the school could be improving on. But it shouldn't just be up to the administration and other employees to make this school better, we can help to.
I've noticed in the past how messy SVSU students can be and it wasn't until last week that I really started to realize how big of a problem this is. As I said already SVSU students complain about the failings of this school, but I think we should start talking about how we are failing this school. On Tuesday night I walked by the Market Place at Doan and as I went by I noticed the amount of trash in the hallway. There were crumpled up napkins strewn on the floor and tables next to the chairs. Outside I saw a pop can lying on the ground and other various small pieces of trash. Walking into Science East I saw Cheetos that had been dropped and crushed into the carpeting. One day I was in the bathroom across from Starbucks and two girls dropped a Frappuccino on the floor, its contents spilling everywhere. Instead of showing any signs of guilt or doing anything to clean up their mess, the girls simply chortled and giggled and then left the bathroom.
Yes we have a janitorial staff at this school and yes it is their job to clean our school, but that doesn't give anyone the excuse to not clean up after themselves. We have tons of trash cans and recycling cans at SVSU. We want the administration and the rest of society to see us as adults, well then act like one. Throw away your chewed up straw instead of leaving it on a ledge in Arbury. Throw away the Subway wrapper that you left on the table in Albert E's.
I wonder what the visitors at SVSU think when they are walking around campus and they see how much trash students leave lying around. Take the extra two seconds to throw your napkin away, if you drop food on the ground pick it up and throw it away. If you spill your drink let maintenance know so that someone can clean it up. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if someone went to your house and threw all of their trash everywhere except for in the actual trash. yeah we don't all have to be members of Forever Red but we can at least show enough common courtesy to clean up after ourselves.