Do you find yourself slacking in your relationship with God from time to time? I think most of us do. It can be hard to stay on track. We stray away and let distractions interfere and before you know it, you are lost again. I too struggle with this, so I have comprised a list of 10 ways to strengthen your relationship with the Lord, ways that work for me, and things I too need to get better at.
1. "No Bible no breakfast, no Bible no bed"
I heard this phrase one time and it really stuck with me. Holding yourself to this, not being allowed to eat breakfast or go to bed until you spend some time in God's word, is a great way to hold yourself to doing what you know you should be doing.
2. Pray a good prayer before every meal
Don't just saw a quick "Bless us O Lord". That prayer is great, but if you are saying it so fast that you don't even know what you are saying, what does it really mean? We wouldn't like it if our friends talked to us the way we sometimes talk to God, so quickly that its not even understandable what we are saying. Hang on to every word you are praying. Really thank and praise God for the blessings He has bestowed upon you.
3. Talk to God every time you catch yourself worrying, stressing, or feeling angry
Make yourself aware of what is on your mind. Imagine if, instead of worrying about a situation, you prayed about it instead. What can worrying do for you? A lot of really bad things. What can God do for you? Any good and perfect thing you could ever imagine. Why would you not choose that? The same goes for stress, anger, and every other bad, negative feeling you can have. Choose good, choose life, choose to let God be there. It's a much better idea with a much better outcome.
4. Learn something new about God or Christianity in general
Read about a Saint, learn about the history of the Church, learn about all of the Christian religions, and see what all is similar between them. Learn more about the life of Jesus, learn about his Disciples, learn everything you can. Expand your knowledge of what you are professing.
5. Take time to spend alone with the Lord every day
Nothing betters a relationship like quality time spent getting to know one another in the deepest ways. Think of how your relationship has grown with your friends, family, and significant other by getting to know them personally. Now apply that knowledge to your relationship with God. He wants a personal relationship with you.
6. Watch what you fill your mind and spend your free time doing, watching, and listening to
Our minds are easily influenced by who and what we surround ourselves with. Would you watch the TV shows you normally watch, listen to the music you usually listen to, or say the things to your friends that you say, if Jesus was sitting there beside you? The truth is, He is there. He is with you and in you. So make good choices, and live as He is calling you to. Fill your mind and your life with thoughts and works that are pleasing to the Lord and draw nearer to Him.
7. Find the places where you see and feel God the most, and spend more time there.
I see God and feel His love the most when I am spending time in nature and basking in what He has created. I love to read my Bible on my porch or talk to God while I am walking in the woods. Celebrating Mass and receiving the Eucharist brings me to tears. I know the Lord in such a special way when I am there and receiving Him. It's one thing to know God is with you, but to feel His presence washing over you? There is nothing quite like that.
8. Change it up a bit
Learn a new way of prayer, get into praise and worship music, read new religious books, or do something different than your normal routine. It's easy to fall into a grove that gets rather boring when you are doing the same thing over and over. Constantly be spicing up your relationship with the Lord and you will find yourself craving more.
9. Get out of your comfort zone
Getting out of your comfort zone can be very scary, but it can also be so awesome and come with a great reward. I find that getting out of my comfort zone in my faith always leads me to great things, once I take that first step. So do the spiritual things that scare you, find a way to get out there and do more. Join the Bible study, start the service project, pray with the homeless man on the street, just do it!
10. Remind yourself of the love that the Lord has for you
God loves you so much. If you were the only person on earth, Jesus still would have died just for you. There is no love greater than the love of God for His children. Why not enter that relationship?
8 But God has shown us how much he loves us—it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us!
~Romans 5:8
Don't forget that the Lord is constantly there just waiting for your return, and He constantly wants to go deeper with you. He loves you and wants nothing more than to spend time with you and help you. So strengthen that relationship. It will change your life for the better.