Growing up, and throughout high school I nursed a tendency to be a negative person. I am still not Miss Positivity, but I have gone great lengths mentally to become as positive and happy as I currently am. Throughout my process of becoming a more positive person, I have learned so much about my mind and what an impact a change in mindset can have. Through acceptance, positivity, and reflection, I know I have come a long way in becoming the happiest I could possibly be. Although I am no expert, there are a few things that I live my life by and I truly believe they can be helpful to anyone who wants to become a more positive and happier person.
1. If you can't change something, change your mindset.
This is something that has made a huge difference in my life. I have spent years complaining about certain things that simply just won't change. Whether it is a person, an aspect of your life, or something about yourself, acceptance is key to being happy. If this situation is something you can change, doing so in a respectful and thoughtful way is important. There is always something to find positivity in, even if it is something you can't stand, you can change your outlook.
"Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
2. Mind Over Matter
Something that has made me more optimistic, is knowing that if I want to do something I can do it by changing the way I think. Nothing is impossible and it is so comforting to know that your mind truly has so much power over what you accomplish.
3. Appreciate The Little Things
Always looking for those little things that friends and family do can make you so much happy. So many good things happen every second and we do not even take the time to stop and appreciate them. Looking for these little things is a great step in becoming more positive.
4. Try To Understand Everything
This is one thing I will admit to falling short on, because it is difficult to not judge. However, I have worked hard to be more open minded and understanding which has made an impact on my happiness and overall mindset. There are many times where you will disagree with people, or not understand why they act a certain way. But through respect, listening, and reflection, it is so much easier to understand people, and the world around you. When you do not limit yourself to your initial thoughts, and are open to learning, and reflecting, you gain an understanding that is so much deeper. This type of thinking can bring upon so much clarity and positivity.
5. Nature
Being aware of what is going on outdoors is so crucial to true happiness. In a world filled with television and social media, it is so important to be acquainted with the simplicity of nature. Making sure to go outside often is so important, but when you are outside it is enlightening to take in the simple things that we see everyday, and do not even think about.