With people interacting mostly electronically with friends and family, pets may be the closest relationships we have. In this fast paced world we live, having a pet as your closest companion is actually not a bad thing, it is beneficial!
So what do we all NEED? We all need a dog! Why?
1. Growing evidence shows that owning a dog is one of the key ways to fight off stress.
Americans are so stressed that it is actually killing us. According to the American Institute of Stress, nearly 50 percent of Americans admit to being stressed. Daily News says stress levels are soaring in America - with a 30 percent increase in the last 30 years. Decrease your stress and risk of disease by owning a pup!2.You're less likely to have allergies.
A study done by WebMD says infants in a home with an animal are 33 percent less likely to show evidence of allergies. They are also less likely to have eczema, asthma and autoimmune disorders.
3. Owning a dog teaches you valuable life lessons.
Children who experience caring for a dog have higher
levels of empathy and self-esteem than children without a dog. Learning
to take care of an animal will also teach someone the value of routine and good
4. Dog owners have healthier blood pressure.
Studies show that the mere act of petting a dog decreases blood pressure.5. Your chances of getting cardiovascular disease are significantly lower.
When stressed, harmful chemicals like cortisol and noradrenalin are released throughout your body. Not only do these chemicals have a negative impact on your immune system, but studies show a link between these chemicals and plague buildup in arteries, which is a red flag for heart disease. Petting and playing with a dog increases levels of serotonin and dopamine (nerve transmitters known to have calming properties). These transmitters help reduce not only depression, but also stress!
6. Your dog will help you make friends - goodbye awkward social encounters!
Pets are great icebreakers, especially on walks! Studies find that owning and walking a dog increases social interaction. Dogs help ease people out of social isolation or shyness.
7. The cost of life insurance is lower!
Midland Life Insurance Company asks clients over age
75 if they have a pet as part of their medical screening. Having a pet reduces
the amount of health insurance they may have to pay.
8. Dogs are loyal and protective.
Who needs a security system when you have a watchdog? Potential thieves will avoid a home with a barking dog, regardless of the size. No thief wants to risk drawing attention to themselves and getting caught in the act9. Encourages a healthy fitness routine.
The Journal of Physical Activity & Health found
that dog owners more likely to reach fitness goals than those without canine
companions. If you own a dog, you are 69
times as likely to spend your leisure time doing physical activity. Not only
are dog walkers getting more exercise, they are getting better quality
exercise. That’s right, the University of Missouri found that walking a dog
leads to a 28 percent increase in walking speed, which is seven times the speed you would
be walking with a pal.
10. There is never a dull moment with a dog around.
There is considerable evidence that proves owning a dog is beneficial to the lives of their owners, both physically and psychologically. Improve the quality of your life by owning a dog!