"Impractical Jokers" is a television show on TruTV where four lifelong friends compete to embarrass each other in Long Island, New York. They compete by challenging each other to do or say something stupid, embarrassing or inappropriate to a stranger.
If they refuse to do the action, then that person gets a thumbs down. The joker who gets the most thumbs down by the end of the episode gets a punishment. Punishments have included skydiving, throwing chicken at a stranger and even becoming a human piñata. Here are some of the best things about the four jokers who star in the best lesser known TV show, "Impractical Jokers."
Joe Gatto
If "Impractical Jokers" had a team captain, Joe would be it. He is the only joker who will do just about anything for a laugh, no matter the conscience. Once he even stood on top of a moving tram in a superhero costume yelling at people passing by in other teams. Joe is most known for his imaginary character, Larry.
My favorite Larry moment was when Joe kept calling for him to do a price check on asparagus at a supermarket register (he never came). Joe is also the only joker who is married, which is definitely used against him. One challenge required him to find the paid actress in the crowded mall food court and kiss her. However, once he found the actress, the other jokers sent out Joe’s wife. Needless to say, Joe did not kiss the actress and he got a thumbs down.
Sal Vulcano
Sal is the quirkiest joker in the bunch. He is a germophobe and has a strange fear of cats. One of his punishments required him to find his phone that the other jokers hid ... in a landfill. Another memorable punishment was when he had to run through a maze where people in cat costumes jumped out and chased him through the entire maze. He’s also the most likely to laugh while in the middle of a challenge. To prove this, Joe once said “fart noise,” and Sal nearly fell over in laugher.
Brian Quinn (Q)
Q is the most blunt and most relatable joker, however, he still has his quirks. Q is the proud owner of several cats, he loves them so much he even has a cat cam set up at home to check up on them while filming the show. He even took one of his cats to Sal’s house for a punishment because Sal is afraid of felines.
Q is my favorite joker because he embraces playful teasing. The other jokers make fun of Q’s hair and even regularly compare him to a fat Rosie O’Donnell. In one challenge, Q was surprised by the actual Rosie O’Donnell and they pretended they were looking into a reflection of a mirror Lucy and Chaplin style.
James "Murr" Murray
Murr is a confusing character. He seems like he would be an investment broker or an accountant, but he is a comedian. He is also the most put together of the four jokers who enjoys being fit, healthy and well dressed. His most famous lines are, “I have a fool-proof plan,” which most of the time is a false. It seems like he is the joker who has received the most punishments whether it be the human piñata, getting a tattoo of a skydiving ferret and getting his nipples pierced.