It's easy to get overwhelmed, especially as a college student. All of a sudden you realize Thanksgiving is around the corner, which means Christmas is coming, which means you need to afford presents on your less-than-adequate salary, which also reminds you that you work five days a week while taking six classes. You need to remember to do so many things that it becomes easy to forget to take care of yourself. So all of a sudden, a Monday rolls around and you can't breathe out of either nostril and your temperature is higher than your bank account balance. We need to remember to take care of ourselves if we expect to get anything done, and plus, ourselves are really the main priority.
There are a million and one things you can do to give yourself the attention you need; you just need to make the time. For me, going to the gym, eating right, and sleeping enough are what I do (try to do) for self-care.
Going to the gym is my cheap form of therapy, and it's healthy and good for you. If I don't go to the gym for two days I feel as though my head may fall off my body--or it may spin around like the Exorcist, either way it isn't an ideal situation. Working out allows you to do good to not only your body, but your mind.
Eating right is so important. If you don't eat well, your body doesn't feel good and that reflects on your mind. People don't realize how important it is for your mental state to eat well. If you eat things like french fries over fruits and vegetables, you become lethargic and your mind becomes lethargic as well. This can lead to laziness, depression, and lack of motivation--not anything you need to be to get all of your to-dos done.
Lastly, sleeping enough is probably the most important part. If you sleep enough you'll have the motivation to work out/go to the gym, and you'll also have the motivation to cook and prepare healthy meals rather than ordering crappy food. Also, sleep in general just makes you more productive. Your mind can't work properly if it doesn't get enough rest. Sleeping enough, while it may be the most important part, is also probably the hardest part. It's hard to be expected to get everything you need to get done and also manage to get 8 hours of sleep a night. I barely can (honestly, I don't. Let's be real here). But trying to be mindful of the fact that you have X amount of things to get done before X time in order to get 8 hours of sleep can be very helpful.
Try to be mindful about the fact that you need to perform self-care in order to properly get everything else done.