The best way to start every single day is by being in God's presence. Just be still and listen to what God has to say. My favorite thing to do is turn up my favorite worship music, dig into whatever quiet time I am reading at the moment, journal my thoughts and then end it by talking to God through prayer. Life gets incredibly hectic and busy, but it will always be important to spend time with our Heavenly Father, so make sure that you make time to just focus on Him. There are various reasons why it is important to start your day with God.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2
1. It sets the tone for the day.
When you start your day with God, it will set the tone for the rest of the day. It makes the day start off on a good foot, and hopefully, the rest of the day will be just as great.
2. It prepares you for the situations you will face.
When you start your day with God, it prepares you for the situations you will face. You might get a really stressful assignment, but your quiet time might have prepared you for that stress. You might encounter a cranky customer at work, but your quiet time might have prepared you to handle that person.
3. It will make you grow spiritually.
When you start your day with God, it will make you grow spiritually. There will never be a moment in our lives when we know everything. God always has something new to teach us, but we have to be willing to listen and learn.
4. It helps you to focus on what really matters.
When you start your day with God, it helps you to focus on what really matters. There might be a lot of crazy things going on in your life, but God will help you bring things back into focus and look at the bigger picture.
5. It will make you feel refreshed.
When you start your day with God, it will make you feel refreshed. The daily things that happen can start to bring us down, but spending time with God will always be refreshing because he always knows exactly what we need to hear.
6. It will allow you to learn more about Christ.
When you start your day with God, it will allow you to learn more about Christ. God wants us to know him, so we should always read more of his words and promises. They show us exactly who God is. When we know who Christ is, we can have a more intimate relationship with him.
7. It will help you to be a light.
When you start your day with God, it will help you to be a light. This world is filled with darkness, so it is up to followers of Christ to be a light in our world. We have to show others the love of Jesus Christ.