"A goal is a desired result that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve: a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development."
There are so many things in this life that we as humans get the opportunities to do, but if we ever get to them is our own choice and on our own time which is why I completely stand behind one thing: GOAL SETTING. As someone who truly kicks herself in the dust and feels like sometimes I can't do much of anything, setting goals has allowed me to realize that I can and I will finish things in my own way, and on my own time, at my own pace, in which I did for my own. If you didn't catch that then the moral is that goal setting is good for ones own.
Setting goals for yourself can ultimately be a scary thought, even for myself. What if I set one and I fail? What if I never get to it? What if I only complete one instead of ten? Crazy how much thought we put into things sometimes as individuals. There are too many "what ifs?" in that first part. Setting goals for yourself is one of the most fulfilling, most rewarding feelings I think there is.
I think this is an underrated concept actually. When you set goals for yourself, you are constantly setting yourself up for progress. You are constantly running on your own fuel, driving and steering yourself. It's important to set goals because wether you "fail" or not, you ultimately allowed yourself to be open to trying to reach something. You pour yourself into it and the path that you have to take to get there.
Goals drive you forward. They make the impossible, a little more possible. They turn mountains to hills and valleys. They help establish self confidence and to see ourselves beyond a strength we didn't know we had. They ultimately surround us with accountability when we fail. They are steady for us when we fall and even though we might not have made it, we get the chance to start over. They help us live our life to the fullest and encourage us through impossible moments. Who doesn't love putting a check by something they thought they would never get to?
Setting goals for yourself is ultimately a changing, enhancing, encouragement to life and all that it brings. There is always good and there is always bad but there is truly never a wrong time or a wrong way to set goals for those things.
The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland