As I've learned as a 20 some year old, the smartest person in my life happens to be my mother. She always has the right thing to say. She knows the answer to everything. Whenever something goes missing in the house, "call mom." When is that next doctor's appointment? "Call mom." I need someone to edit my paper, "Call mom." She's there for everything, these are 9 of the most important life lessons my mother has taught me.
1. You'll Only Have 1 Or Two Forever Friends.Â
Photo by Roberto Nickson (@g) on Unsplash
Something I've noticed that my generation really struggles with is having friends. We are always worried about how many people like us, if people notice us, and if people are talking shit about us. But in reality, it doesn't matter. The circle of people you spend time around will eventually dissolve as you get older and grow. My mom constantly reminds me that having a couple of friends is more than most people have, and most likely the people you meet in college and high school, either won't remember you or won't be in your life after you graduate.
2. You Are Your Own Best FriendÂ
Mom always says, at the end of the day all you need is "me, myself, and I." No one will be a better advocate for yourself except for you. That job won't be given to you by someone else, you earn that job yourself. That internship you get won't be because of your friends. And your accomplishments won't be shared by anyone but yourself. Recognizing that the only one that can better yourself is you can be your greatest advantage.
3. If Your Gut Says No, Then Say No
Photo by Josiah Gardner on Unsplash
This is huge. When I'm making a big life decision I usually go to my mom about it. She always tells me she can't make any decsions for me, but that's the best piece of advice she can give. As you get older, learning to be responsible is part of the process. And going with your gut is a good way to learn things about your own character and about the kind of person you want to me. "If your friend told you to jump off a bridge would you do it too?"
4. Clean Your Room!
Photo by Sylvie Tittel on Unsplash
This may sound silly, but cleaning your room has a lot of benefits. Like, be able to find something when you need it, or having nice clean sheets and pillowcases when you hop into bed. The feeling of walking into a clean room gives a sense of accomplishment that you are capable of staying organized. It's relaxing to walk into your bedroom and not have anxiety about the pile of clothes on the floor.
5. If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, Don't Say Anything At All
This has been restarted by every mom that has walked the earth. Karma catches up with people. And if you're saying negative things about someone, negative things will come back at you. We are all struggling to be ourselves and be accepted in this world, and the best thing you can do is keep your judgments to yourself because let's face it, its human nature to have judgments. But, we can control if we allow those to hurt others.
6. Learn To Love The Little Things
Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash
Mom always tells me to not get stuck on things like money and greed, and just learn to appreciate the small stuff. Things like love, friendship, and kindness, are the most valuable things in this world. If we could all learn this lesson, this world could be a better place.
7. Balance Your Expectations
My mom is constantly telling me to not set my expectations too high. High expectations usually end in disappointment and heartbreak. Don't expect too much from people, because a lot of people are self-interested and you are your own best friend. Stay in the real world and realize not everything is going to be perfect.
8. Don't Change Yourself For The Crowd
Photo by Tom Plouff on Unsplash
Be Yourself. The thing your mom loves about you is you. And mom love is unconditional. Don't be a different person in front of your mom than you are in front of your friends, odds are you're a better person with mom around. Don't follow a crowd just too look cool, you'll end up feeling insecure and awkward. Stay true to yourself and your own morals.
9. You'll Path Will Find You
Photo by Marco Meyer on Unsplash
In college and high school, we are struggling with what we are going to be, who we are going to be, and where we are going to be. My mom constantly reminds me that everything will get better, and everything will work out. Your path of life will find you whether you look for it or not. Everyone has a lot to give to this world and everyone has a purpose.
It's evident mom's know everything and I couldn't be more thankful for mine. Take a second to slow down and remember all of the things your mom has taught you, it will make you a better person.