Anyone can wear makeup. Makeup has no gender. While women are most commonly associated with makeup that does not mean anyone of any other gender cannot use it. And that’s exactly what the famous makeup brand Covergirl has showed by casting their new Coverboy, James Charles.
It’s impossible to deny that our society has defined certain activities and objects that are supposed to be used or done only by men or only by women. Toy trucks are considered male toys, whereas baby dolls are considered female toys. But when you think about it, this is a free country. Literally anyone can play with a toy truck or a baby doll if they want to. So why are they associated with specific genders, when really there’s no need for it? Sadly, this message has been repeated so many times that it’s become part of how we function.
I believe that everyone deserves a chance to express their authentic self, and that’s exactly what Covergirl is encouraging through casting James. I think society has become more accepting of people who enjoy doing things that are considered to be outside of society’s “norms” for men and women. Covergirl is one of the most popular drugstore makeup brands in the business- which is why it’s wonderful to see that they are embracing and accepting everyone just as they are. I know not everyone will agree with their decision, or my stance on this, but it’s extremely important that we, as a society, encourage people that it’s okay to be your true self. Too often we hear people say that they were scared to do something out of fear of what people would think. I’ll admit that it can be extremely challenging to ignore judgmental comments, but I wholeheartedly believe that there’s at least one person out there who will accept you for your true self. James inspires not only men, but all people to pursue what you love and are most passionate about, and to ignore the people who may disapprove. At the end of the day, your happiness is what matters most- not the opinions of others.
I really think our society is starting to become a place where there is no limit to who you can be or what you can strive for in life. For me, it’s comforting and refreshing when companies make such game changing decisions even though they know they will receive backlash for it. I truly could not be prouder to support a makeup brand that welcomes everyone, no matter who they are, with open arms.