A lot of people begin the New Year with the typical list of things they'll do differently. It's usually going to the gym, being nicer, eating healthier, working harder, etc. However, the majority do these things for the first week and then forget. This winter break, I learned that there is actually an importance behind New Year's resolutions. It's not about making that list and following through. If you think about it, the things on the list are shallow the majority of the time. It's about doing things every day that will make you and the people around you, feel better.
This past break, there have been three deaths that have been brought to my attention and have affected friends of mine. I didn't have a strong direct relationship with any of the people who were lost. However, I do have strong connections with people whose lives were touched by them. They all suffered a sudden loss since all three deaths were all accidents where vehicles were involved. This is why I'd like to express and emphasize the importance of these resolutions.
It's a new year. It's a chance to improve oneself by making changes. These changes can begin with a list, like they usually do, but people should actually stand by these changes. Once they have become permanent, people should add more and more. This sounds like the typical thing people write about making a difference. It is, but hearing these three accidents, one after the other, has made me realize just how important it is to stand behind the changes you write about on your lists.
Sure, write down being healthier by going to the gym and eating better. Those are ways to make yourself feel and look better. You do you, but also write down things that affect yourself and the people around you in a positive way. You can do this by being nicer, helping others and spending more time with the people you care about by doing meaningful activities that don't include partyings. Just realize that you never know what day will be your last or someone you care about's last day.
If this is too difficult, you can always add and make changes in Lent (it's only 40 days). See you all at the gym!