For the last year or so, social network sites have been absolutely filled to the brim with people sharing their political ideals with the world. It was nearly impossible to log on to Facebook or twitter without seeing one of your friends force their ill-researched opinion down your throat. Sometimes it's comical and other times it's concerning, but the important thing to remember it's all legal. In fact, it's not just legal, it's encouraged. It's the right of every American citizen to have their voice heard. As American citizens, we have certain rights that many people in this world do not have. We can openly share our opinions about government, protest when we feel we have been wronged, and most importantly, we have the right to vote. Voting is a right that I feel many of us take for granted. There are millions of people all around the world who have absolutely no say in how their government is run. They must silently abide by their countries laws and may even be punished for speaking out against them. To be a citizen of the United States is an incredible privilege to have. The rights we're given are rights not many have. People love to comment on the current state of America and say that it's in ruin. They say the system is broken and that we're all in serious trouble. First off, I'd like to point out that it certainly can be worse. Second, the best part about America is that if we truly feel that there is something wrong, we have the power to do something about it. That's why voting is so important. We can have our opinions heard and actually accounted for. We can help our country change and develop for the better, in whatever way we see fit. Say what you will about our political system, but it's the way it is because of our choices. We've elected the leaders that have made it the way it is. We are just as responsible as they are. (That is, of course, if you don't believe in any conspiracy theories about our government. Some fun reads if you care to look them up)
Voting is a great power that we have as citizens and one that we should never take for granted. For all you keyboard warriors out there now is your chance to actually have your voices heard. Instead of just getting a few likes on your Facebook rant, you can now get your opinions counted toward something real.
So please, either at an early voting site or on Election Day itself, go out and vote. If you feel strongly enough about politics to make a daily post about it on your Facebook and Twitter, then the least you can do is go out and actually cast your vote. You can talk all you want online, but please remember that status updates aren't counted on ballots.